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Autism Ontario

Autism Ontario Responds to the Ministry of Education AODA K-12 Education Standards Report

Autism Ontario RESPONDS TO THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION'S AODA K-12 EDUCATION STANDARDS REPORT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Toronto, Ontario – November 15, 2021 Earlier this year in July, Autism Ontario was invited to submit its recommendations to the Ministry of Education’s province-wide invitation to the AODA’s K-12 Education Standards Development Committee Initial Recommendation Report. The goal of the Committee’s report was to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility for students attending the publicly-funded education system. Autism Ontario assembled a team of knowledgeable and dedicated

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

What is an IEP? The Individual Education Plan (IEP) is an active, working document designed to help a student be successful. It includes the following information: The student’s strengths and needs; Special education programs and/or services a student requires; Annual Goals: what a student is expected to learn in a school year; Learning Expectations: what a student will learn in a reporting term; Accommodations: supports and services a student requires in order to learn at their current grade level; Modifications: changes made to the current grade level expectations in order to meet a student

Special Education Advisory Committee SEAC

According to The Education Act, every board of education in Ontario is required to have a Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). This committee is made up of volunteer representatives from local associations that work to further the interests and well-being of one or more groups of exceptional children or adults. The SEAC representatives make recommendations to the boards of education about the establishment and development of special education programs and services for exceptional students – including autistic students. Where Autism Ontario has a Region, we too have representation on

Autism Ontario Responds to the Ministry of Education

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Ontario, March 11, 2019 Autism Ontario Responds to Ontario Ministry of Education’s News Release “Enhancing Education Support: A Plan for Students with Autism” Today’s announcement by the Ministry of Education does not address the fundamental concerns and worries that parents of students with autism express to us daily at Autism Ontario. Many of the announced resources today remain thin on details and scope of impact or implementation requirements. This announcement makes no mention of how to resolve the gap that remains between coordinating ABA services between

Autism Ontario's Education Position Statements

Our Educational Position Statements are designed to help parents resolve school issues, obtain needed educational supports or services and help promote a change in the practices, policies and/or behaviours in our educational system in a respectful, positive and effective way. What do you need to know as a parent? Advocacy is about securing, protecting and advancing the rights of one’s self or others. Students on the autism spectrum have rights. The Ministry of Education has enacted legislation and regulations to support the education of students with special needs. School boards are

Naviguer dans le labyrinthe - Stratégies pour une revendication efficace dans les écoles

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Guide rédigé par Ed Mahony, de Mahony Advodacy.  L’action revendicatrice consiste à faire respecter, à protéger et à faire progresser ses propres droits ou ceux des autres. Les élèves en difficulté ont des droits. Le ministère de l’Éducation a promulgué des lois et des règlements pour soutenir l’éducation des enfants qui ont des besoins particuliers. Les conseils scolaires ont la responsabilité de mettre sur pied des programmes qui respectent les lois et les règlements en vigueur.

Toutefois, les parents doivent parfois se transformer en fervents défenseurs des droits de leur enfant à l’école. Les parents ont le droit et la responsabilité de veiller à ce que leur enfant suive un programme d’apprentissage adapté à ses besoins et il est tout à fait acceptable qu’ils revendiquent des services pour leur enfant. La relation d’un parent avec l’école ou le conseil scolaire n’est pas une relation sociale. Il s’agit plutôt d’une relation d’affaires et d’un rapport juridique ayant pour objectif d’obtenir des services éducatifs qui conviennent le mieux à votre enfant. Les parents les plus efficaces dans ce rôle de revendication possèdent généralement les connaissances et compétences suivantes :
• Compréhension des règlements et des règles qui régissent l’éducation de l’enfance en difficulté.
• Compréhension des textes de loi sur l’enfance en difficulté.
• Une certaine connaissance du processus de revendication.
• Une vision réaliste de ce qu’ils veulent et de la façon de travailler avec le personnel pour atteindre leurs buts.

L’éducation sexuelle

Le profil sexuel
Il existe très peu de recherches et de connaissances cliniques sur le profil sexuel des adultes qui vivent avec un trouble du spectre autistique (TSA). Cent trente et un adultes provenant du Canada, de l’Australie, des États Unis, du Danemark et de la France ont complété le Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI; Derogatis et Melisaratos, 1982). Le DSFI sert à examiner divers aspects liés à la sexualité, y compris la connaissance et l’expérience, le désir, les attitudes, l’affect, le rôle, les fantasmes, l’image corporelle et la satisfaction sexuelle en général. Il permet d’obtenir une évaluation globale du comportement et des attitudes en matière de sexualité.

Webinar: Education Series: Navigating Special Education

Are you a parent or caregiver seeking guidance on navigating the realm of special education within the school system? Autism Ontario invites you to join our panel discussion where experts will shed light on the crucial aspects of communication, relationship building, and your child’s education rights.

During this webinar, our panelists will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to effectively navigate special education, especially if your child is just entering school or has recently been diagnosed. We aim to empower parents and caregivers who are new to this journey by equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to advocate for their child's educational needs.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  1. Discover how to access key information and resources relevant to your child's special education journey.
  2. Learn practical tips and tools to navigate the special education system, ensuring your child receives the support they need.
  3. Understand the significance of developing a strong relationship with your school team, fostering a collaborative approach to supporting your child's academic and personal growth.

Join us for this informative panel discussion to gain valuable insights to confidently navigate the special education landscape and build a strong foundation for your child's educational journey. Together, let's create a supportive educational environment for every child. 

This webinar is designed for parents and caregivers who are new to navigating special education. However, all individuals interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the topic are welcome to attend.



Nilijan Ray, Panelist

Nilanjan Ray is a banker by profession currently working with RBC Royal Bank. Prior to joining RBC, Ray worked in Malta, Dubai, Bahrain and India across Commercial Banking, Business Markets and Trade Finance. Ray holds an MBA and graduate degree in Economics.   Outside of work, Ray is an avid soccer fan and a movie buff. He loves to enjoy the outdoor and wildlife experiences with his family. He lives in Mississauga with wife and kids (including a 120lb German Shepherd).   He is passionate about supporting neurodiversity and volunteers his time with organizations supporting Autism related initiatives. After the family moved to Canada from Dubai, Ray successfully navigated the support ecosystem available for neuro-diverse kids in the school, diagnosis process, therapy support and funding to ensure his kids receive the support they need to put their best foot forward. He is passionate about sharing his experience with newcomer families as well as families with children who have a recent diagnosis to help them in their journey.

Lynn Ziraldo, Panelist


Lynn Ziraldo is a locally and internationally renowned advocate. Her advocacy journey began over 46 years ago, as a mother supporting her son with complex medical and learning needs. Through previous positions as the Executive Director of the Learning Disabilities Association York Region (LDAYR), President of the Ontario and Canadian Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and Director with the International Council for Exceptional Children, Lynn has represented learning disabilities on numerous committees/task forces and working groups throughout Ontario, Canada and the United States. Lynn has had a significant impact on Special Education in Ontario through roles including as the chair of the K to 12 Education Accessibility Standards Committee (2018-2022), and past chair and advisor of the Ministers Advisory Council for Special Education in Ontario (MACSE).

Currently an Advisor/Parliamentarian of the Ontario Council for Exceptional Children, Lynn continues to lead numerous workshops and training to educators, professional groups, community agencies and parents. She chairs the York Region District School Board’s Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) and consults with school boards and organizations across Ontario to continually improve the education to meet the needs of all students.


Tanya Jewell, Panelist, Subject Matter Expert: Education, Autism Ontario

Tanya Jewell is an experienced advocate who is passionate about infusing lived experience with education and evidence-based knowledge.  Through her international, provincial and local work, Tanya has helped individuals and families navigate services, advocate for human rights and facilitate knowledge transfer in the fields of HIV/AIDS, acquired brain injury and autism. In addition to a B.A. Honours in Sociology, Tanya’s holds certificates in dispute resolution, trauma counselling for mental health professionals, acquired brain injury and neurorehabilitation, peer support core essentials, patient navigation and PEERS training. Neurodiverse herself, Tanya highly values the education she has received from individuals with lived experience, including her autistic sons. Tanya is part of Autism Ontario’s Subject Matter Expert team.

Disclaimer: Opinions reflected in this webinar are those of the speaker(s) and presenter(s), and do not necessarily reflect Autism Ontario’s views. Please note Autism Ontario does not endorse any specific therapy, product, treatment, strategy, opinions, service, or individual. We do, however, endorse your right to information. Autism Ontario strongly believes that it is important to do your own research and make your own informed decisions. 

k-12 Education Standards Development Committee Recommendations (Initial Report)


Autism Ontario Responds to k-12 Education Standards Development Committee Recommendations

The committee has produced a document that names and addresses both the practical steps and systemic changes required for equity in education in our province. The committee's efforts in setting Ontario on a constructive path are deeply appreciated. As an organization advocating for a vulnerable segment of society, Autism Ontario acknowledges that the invoking of human-rights legislation and code, as reference, guide and spur, is a necessity both sobering and encouraging. Accessibility to social benefits everywhere, including the classroom, is indeed a matter of human rights, and it will save us all time and other resources if this is delivered consistently across the province instead of piecemeal, one court case at a time. In your response to your call for feedback, Autism Ontario (AO) assembled a small team to review all the recommendations contained in the document and produce written commentary, which is laid out in detail below and organized according to the system used in the below document. 

Readiness for the Safe Return to School: Findings from the 2020 Autism Ontario Education Survey

In its 2020 survey, Readiness for the Safe and Successful Return to School, Autism Ontario gathered information from parents or caregivers of Ontario children and youth on the autism spectrum in the education system regarding:

  • Their experiences of the COVID-19 school closure earlier this spring, and
  • Their concerns and perspectives for the return to school in the context of COVID-19 this fall.


Cover page of the report: "Readiness for the Safe and Successful Return to School - Findings from the 2020 Autism Ontario Education Survey


Webinaire - Comment puis-je aider mon enfant à écrire? Partie 4 : Jeter les bases avec Taunia Clouthier (en anglais)

Partie 4 sur 4: Ce webinaire vous expliquera comment déterminer quelles activités contribuent à encourager le développement de la motricité fine et le renforcement des membres supérieurs chez les enfants.

Sessions supplémentaires dans cette série de webinaires:

Partie 1 sur 4: Un atelier de préparation à l’enseignement de l’écriture pour les parents

Partie 2 sur 4: Les lettres minuscules

Partie 3 sur 4: Comprendre les lignes et les espaces

Conférenciers: Taunia Clouthier

Taunia Clouthier

Taunia Clouthier est une ergothérapeute œuvrant pendant dix ans avec les Services auxiliaires de santé dans les écoles de l’Ontario, où elle joue un rôle consultatif auprès des enfants, des parents et du personnel en milieu scolaire. Les connaissances et les compétences qu’elle a acquises au cours de ces années l’ont inspirée à créer FUNctional Therapy en 2018. Il s’agit d’une entreprise avec laquelle elle peut partager son savoir et ses passions dans le cadre de services et d’ateliers directs. Taunia est une personne extrêmement passionnée par le partage de connaissances, et elle croit que c’est l’une des clés d’une croissance d’un développement réussis chez les enfants.

Webinaire : Série sur l’éducation : Se retrouver dans le système d’éducation de l’enfance en difficulté

Vous êtes un parent ou un.e aidant.e qui aimerait avoir de l’aide pour naviguer dans les services d'éducation de l’enfance en difficulté offerts par le système scolaire? Autisme Ontario vous invite à vous joindre à notre discussion de groupe, où des expert.e.s vous éclaireront sur les aspects cruciaux de la communication, de l'établissement de relations et des droits de votre enfant en matière d'éducation.

Dans ce webinaire, nos expert.e.s vous donneront de précieuses informations et des conseils pratiques qui vous aideront à naviguer efficacement dans le système d'éducation de l’enfance en difficulté, en particulier si votre enfant commence l'école ou a été récemment diagnostiqué.e. Nous souhaitons outiller adéquatement les parents et les aidant.e.s qui amorcent ce cheminement en leur donnant les connaissances et les ressources nécessaires pour revendiquer les droits à l’éducation de leur enfant.

Principaux résultats d'apprentissage :

  1. Découvrir comment accéder aux informations et ressources essentielles qui se rapportent au parcours d'éducation de l’enfance en difficulté de votre enfant.
  2. Obtenir des conseils et des outils pratiques pour naviguer dans le système d'éducation de l’enfance en difficulté, pour faire en sorte que votre enfant reçoive le soutien dont il ou elle a besoin.
  3. Comprendre l'importance d’établir une relation solide avec l'équipe-école, pour encourager une approche de collaboration qui favorisera le développement scolaire et personnel de votre enfant.

Joignez-vous à cet intéressant groupe de discussion pour acquérir de précieuses connaissances qui vous permettront de vous retrouver en toute confiance dans le paysage de l'éducation de l’enfance en difficulté et bâtir une base solide le parcours éducatif de votre enfant. Ensemble, créons un environnement pédagogique favorable pour chaque enfant.

Ce webinaire est conçu pour les parents et les aidant.e.s qui ignorent comment s'orienter dans le système d'éducation de l’enfance en difficulté. Cependant, toute personne souhaitant approfondir sa connaissance du sujet est bienvenue.


Panéliste : 

Nilijan Ray, Panéliste :

Ray Nilanjan est banquier de profession et travaille actuellement à la Banque Royale du Canada.

Avant d’intégrer la RBC, Ray a travaillé à Malte, à Dubaï, à Bahreïn et en Inde dans les domaines de la banque commerciale, des marchés d’affaires et du financement du commerce. Ray est titulaire d’une maîtrise en administration des affaires et d’un diplôme d’études supérieures en économie.

En dehors de son travail, Ray se passionne pour le soccer et les films. Il aime s’adonner à des activités de plein air et s’immerger au cœur de la nature avec sa famille. Il vit à Mississauga avec son épouse et ses enfants, mais aussi avec un berger allemand de 120 livres.

Il soutient la neurodiversité avec ferveur et consacre son temps à des organisations à l’appui d’initiatives liées à l’autisme. Après que la famille a quitté Dubaï pour s’installer au Canada, Ray a réussi à s’orienter dans l’écosystème de soutien offert aux enfants de la communauté neurodiverse à l’école et dans le processus diagnostique, du soutien thérapeutique et du financement pour s’assurer que ses enfants reçoivent l’aide qui leur permettrait de réaliser leur potentiel. Il a à cœur de partager son expérience avec les familles nouvellement arrivées au Canada, ainsi qu’avec les familles dont les enfants ont récemment reçu un diagnostic afin de les aider dans leur cheminement.

Lynn Ziraldo, Panéliste :


Lynn Ziraldo est une revendicatrice des droits de renommée locale et internationale. Son parcours de militante a commencé il y a plus de 46 ans, époque où elle soutenait son fils ayant des besoins médicaux et développementaux complexes. En tant que directrice générale de la Learning Disabilities Association of York Region (LDAYR), présidente du Conseil canadien de l’enfance exceptionnelle et de l’Ontario Council for Exceptional Children, Lynn a représenté les troubles d’apprentissage au sein de nombreux comités, groupes de travail et groupes d’étude en Ontario, au Canada et aux États-Unis. Lynn a exercé une influence importante sur l’éducation des enfants ayant des besoins particuliers en Ontario, notamment en tant que présidente du Comité d’élaboration des normes pour l’éducation de la maternelle à la 12e année (de 2018 à 2022), et ancienne présidente et conseillère du Conseil consultatif ministériel de l’éducation de l’enfance en difficulté (CCMEED) en Ontario.

Actuellement conseillère et parlementaire au sein de l’Ontario Council for Exceptional Children, Lynn continue d’animer de nombreux ateliers et formations à l’intention du personnel scolaire, des groupes professionnels, des organismes communautaires et des parents. Elle préside le Comité consultatif de l’enfance en difficulté (CCED) du conseil scolaire de la région de York et consulte les conseils scolaires et les organisations de tout l’Ontario afin d’améliorer continuellement l’éducation pour répondre aux besoins de l’ensemble des élèves.  


Tanya Jewell, Panéliste, Autisme Ontario

Défenseure chevronnée de la cause de l’autisme, Tanya Jewell s’est donné pour mission d’intégrer l’expérience vécue aux activités éducatives et au savoir basé sur l’information probante.  Dans le cadre de son travail à l’échelle internationale, provinciale et locale, Tanya aide les individus et les familles à naviguer parmi les services, à revendiquer leurs droits fondamentaux et à faciliter le transfert de connaissances concernant le VIH/sida, les lésions cérébrales acquises et l’autisme. En plus d’un baccalauréat spécialisé en sociologie, Tanya a décroché plusieurs certificats et suivi diverses formations (résolution de conflits, counseling sur les traumatismes pour les professionnel.le.s de la santé mentale, lésions cérébrales acquises et neuroréadaptation, éléments essentiels de l’entraide entre pairs, aide à la navigation pour les patient.e.s, formation PEERS).  Elle-même neurodiverse, Tanya valorise au plus haut point l’éducation qu’elle a reçue des personnes ayant une expérience vécue, y compris ses fils autistes. Tanya est membre de l’équipe d’expert.e.s en la matière d’Autisme Ontario.

Déni de responsabilité : Les opinions exprimées dans ce webinaire sont celles des conférencier.ère.s et des présentateur.trice.s et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue d’Autisme Ontario. Prenez note qu’Autisme Ontario ne donne son appui à aucun produit, thérapie, traitement, stratégie, opinion, service ou individu en particulier. Nous appuyons cependant votre droit à l’information. À nos yeux, il est très important que vous fassiez vos propres recherches afin de prendre vous-même des décisions éclairées.

Webinar - Positive Advocacy Strategies for School - The IPRC Process with Ed Mahony

In this webinar, you will learn important skills that a parent advocate needs to develop in order to be successful, as well as how to make the IPRC process work for you. Support material and references will be made available. Mr. Mahony will answer questions about the webinar material however ongoing individualized support is available on a fee for service basis.


Presenter: Ed Mahony

Ed Mahony Pic

Ed Mahony is both a Parent Advocate and Special Education Resource Teacher. He supports parents in learning to provide positive, practical and proven strategies to work successfully with their children's schools to address special education needs. Ed also provides individual consultation to families in person, online and by phone throughout the province. 

Negotiating the Maze - Strategies For Effective Advocacy In Schools

Negotiating the Maze Cover

Guide by Ed Mahony of Mahony Advocacy.  Advocacy is about securing, protecting and advancing the rights of one’s self or others. Special education students have rights. The Ministry of Education has enacted legislation and regulations to support the education of special needs children. School boards are responsible for implementing programs in compliance with current legislation and regulations.

Parents, however, may have to strongly advocate to ensure that their child’s rights are met at school. It is the parent’s right and responsibility to see that their child has an appropriate educational program, and it is certainly acceptable for parents to advocate for their child. A parent’s relationship with the school/school board is not a social relationship. It is a business/legal relationship with the goal of getting the most appropriate education for your child. 

Most effective parent advocates share a combination of important knowledge and skills:
• An understanding of special education regulations and rules
• An understanding of special education law
• A sense of procedural advocacy
• A realistic sense of what they want and how to work with staff to achieve their goals

Webinar - Aligning IEP Communication Goals for Academic Success

Please note this webinar aired on September 26th, 2024 and is now available On-Demand. See below for additional resources to accompany the content of this presentation.

Do you have questions about setting meaningful goals to increase your non-speaking child’s participation in school?   

If your child is non-speaking, this panel will talk about how to use the IEP (Individual Education Plan) to increase your child's participation. 

This discussion between a Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP), Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT) and parent of an autistic student will provide valuable insights and practical strategies to help parents ensure that every student has the support they need to succeed. 

Learning Goals: 

  1. Understand the importance of your child having communication skills in order to access the curriculum. 
  2. Learn how to align IEP communication goals to achieve desired outcomes across academic and life skills. 
  3. Discover strategies and solutions to overcome common challenges when collaborating and communicating with your child’s school and clinical team. 

Collaboration between parents, the school team, and service providers is crucial for your child's academic success.

Join us for an engaging and informative discussion designed to equip parents with the knowledge and tools to support their child’s educational journey.

To foster a comprehensive conversation, we have invited three panellists representing each of these essential perspectives on ensuring your child’s IEP meets your child’s needs. 

  • Tracie Lindblad: Speech and Language Pathologist, Subject Matter Expert, Autism Ontario 
  • Anne Gringas: Autism and Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT) 
  • Andrea Haefele: Parent of an autistic student 

Register here to watch this discussion On-Demand.

This presentation is tailored for parents and caregivers of autistic children who are non-speaking or have limited speech. Professionals are welcome to attend. 

Meet Our Panelists: 

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Tracie Lindblad, M.Sc. Reg. SLP, M.Ed., BCBA - Subject Matter Expert: Speech Language Pathologist, Autism Ontario

Since 2022, Tracie L. Lindblad has served as the Subject Matter Expert Speech Language Pathologist at Autism Ontario, a provincial advocacy organization dedicated to supporting individuals with autism and their families. In this role, Tracie leverages her extensive expertise in speech-language pathology, applied behaviour analysis (ABA), and education to develop and disseminate resources, training, and materials focused on speech, language, and communication interventions for a broad range of audiences.  

With a rich academic background including a Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology, a Master of Education in Curriculum, and her credentialing as a Behavior Analyst, Tracie brings a holistic perspective to her work at Autism Ontario. Her dedication to evidence-based practices and her commitment to the autism community are evident in her active involvement in professional organizations such as the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), the Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT), and Speech Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis (SPABA) non-profit.  

Tracie's role at Autism Ontario allows her to combine her passion for advocacy with her clinical experience, ensuring that individuals with autism have access to high-quality, tailored support services. Through her contributions as an invited speaker, workshop facilitator, and webinar presenter, Tracie continues to be a driving force in advancing understanding and promoting best practices in autism intervention across Ontario and beyond. 

Anne Gingras - Autism and Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT), Self-Advocate 

Anne Gingras was diagnosed with Autism at age 41. She is the mother of a young autistic gentleman. Despite her challenges, Anne progressed as a special education and Autism resource teacher. Her personal experiences have given her a unique perspective, and she has used this to contribute to special education significantly.  

Since her diagnosis, Anne has published two books in a series entitled The Old Man on the Bench (or What I Learned from Our Conversations when I Decided to Listen) and A Beautiful Day. She is currently working on several writing projects. Anne was instrumental in developing and implementing the Snoezelen rooms in her area. Her qualifications include an Honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Ottawa, a Bachelor of Education from Laurentian University, a specialist qualification in Special Education, and numerous supplemental qualifications in the autism field. Anne is a Holding Space practitioner, facilitator, and an End-of-Life Doula. She also holds a certificate in Mindfulness Informed End of Life Care from the University of Toronto. 

Nipissing University awarded her an Honorary Doctorate of Education (honoris causa) and she has also been a part-time faculty instructor of special education courses at Nipissing University's Schulich School of Education, where she mentors teacher candidates. Anne is a recently retired language and arts high school teacher and a public speaker on various subjects. 

Andrea Haefele - Parent and Curriculum Consultant 

Andrea Haefele (she/her) is a parent of 2 children; Petie is 12 years old and in grade 6, and Bella is 15 years old, living her best autistic self! It is a pleasure to be here today to share my intersectional identities as a visible minority (2nd generation to immigrant parents from China), and parent. I am excited to contribute to this panel and share my journey and lived experience of how I experience disability, supporting my daughter as a parent and advocate at school. 

Andrea is also a teacher in the York Region District School Board and is currently seconded as a Health & Physical Education curriculum consultant at the Ontario Physical & Health Education Association.  

Meet Our Moderator: Matt Ley

Matt Ley is the current President and co-founder of The Streaming Network. Starting his career in virtual events in 2007, Matt is an industry veteran who is passionate about helping customers stand out in their industry with compelling virtual events that people want to attend. The driving ambition for Matt is that virtual events are not a utility for information distribution but an opportunity for firms to create a competitive advantage. Matt is an accomplished moderator, dedicated to creating engaging, accessible virtual experiences that resonate with audiences and provide meaningful value. 

Disclaimer: Opinions reflected in this webinar are those of the speaker(s) and presenter(s), and do not necessarily reflect Autism Ontario’s views. Please note Autism Ontario does not endorse any specific therapy, product, treatment, strategy, opinions, service, or individual. We do, however, endorse your right to information. Autism Ontario strongly believes that it is important to do your own research and make your own informed decisions.  

Thinking of Post-Secondary Education?

Colleges and universities throughout Ontario report that, more than ever, individuals who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are seeking a post-secondary education. This reflects the trend of earlier diagnosis and intervention, and our ability to identify individuals with milder forms of ASDs such as Asperger Syndrome. Although this trend is encouraging, post-secondary education presents some challenges for individuals with an ASD and for the systems of support at colleges and universities. Fortunately, universities and colleges are committed to being accessible to a wide range of students with disabilities. In the following article, we describe some of the key considerations for individuals who may be considering postsecondary education, and for their families.

Webinar - Ask the Doctor: Healthy Sexuality, from Puberty to Adulthood for Autistic Youth and Adults with Dr. Isabelle Hénault

In this webinar, Dr. Isabelle Hénault will foster a discussion on sexual education and healthy sexuality for autistic individuals from puberty to adulthood.

In addition to elaborating on general strategies to improve the social and sexual relationship skills of autistic individuals, Dr. Hénault will be answering the audience’s questions on the following topics:

  • Puberty and sexual development
  • Friendships and relationships
  • Emotions related to sexuality
  • Appropriate versus inappropriate sexual behaviour
  • Intimacy
  • Interpreting social situations, including verbal communication and body language

This webinar is appropriate for autistic youth, adults, and their families as well as professionals working with this population.


Speaker: Dr. Isabelle Hénault

Dr. Isabelle Hénault is a sexologist and psychologist from the University of Québec at Montréal, Canada. Her practice and studies have focused on providing diagnosis, education, and support to children, adolescents, adults, and couples living with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. Dr. Hénault has developed a relationship and sex education program, and works with individuals and groups to increase their understanding of sexuality, and conducts relationship counselling. She is presently collaborating on numerous international research initiatives involving socio-sexual education and interpersonal relationships.  She worked for over 2 years and a half at Tony Attwood’s clinic in Australia.

Dr. Hénault is the author of Asperger’s Syndrome and Sexuality: From Adolescence through Adulthood, published by Jessica Kingsley Publisher, London (2005) and co-author of The Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law (Attwood, Hénault & Dubin) published by Jessica Kingsley Publisher, London (2014).

She also published the book: The female profile of Autism (Chenelière Education, 2020; JKP 2023) and collaborated to the book: Working with Autistic Transgender and Non-Binary people (Kourti & Coll, 2021).

Disclaimer: Opinions reflected in this webinar are those of the speaker(s) and presenter(s), and do not necessarily reflect Autism Ontario’s views. Please note Autism Ontario does not endorse any specific therapy, product, treatment, strategy, opinions, service, or individual. We do, however, endorse your right to information. Autism Ontario strongly believes that it is important to do your own research and make your own informed decisions. 

Les positions d’Autisme Ontario en matière d’éducation

Nos prises de position en matière d’éducation sont conçues pour aider les parents à résoudre des problèmes à l’école et à obtenir des soutiens ou des services pédagogiques et font la promotion des changements dans les pratiques, les politiques et les comportements au sein de notre système d’éducation, de manière respectueuse, positive et efficace. Ce que vous devez savoir en tant que parent L’action revendicatrice vise à assurer le respect, la protection et la progression de ses droits ou des droits des autres. Les élèves ayant reçu un diagnostic de trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) ont

La priorité n° 1 : Soutien à l’éducation

5 minutes de lecture Quel problème a été mis en lumière en 2018? Dans l’enquête (en anglais) provinciale effectuée en 2018 par Autisme Ontario auprès de 1 514 aidants et de 87 adultes autistes, le soutien à l’éducation a été désigné comme le plus grand besoin. Malgré cela, 69 % des aidants d’enfants d’âge primaire et 77,8 % des aidants d’enfants d’âge secondaire se sont dits d’accord avec l’énoncé « Nous nous sentons écoutés par l’école de notre enfant ». Pourquoi est-ce toujours d’actualité? L’émergence de la pandémie de COVID-19 en mars 2020 a complètement transformé l’image de l’éducation

Webinaire - Action revendicatrice positive – stratégies gagnantes le CIPR avec Ed Mahony (En anglais)

Ce webinaire vous permettra d’acquérir des habiletés importantes pour soutenir votre action revendicatrice en tant que parents et ainsi faire en sorte que vos rapports avec le CIPR soient fructueux. Des documents de soutien et une liste de références seront disponibles. Monsieur Mahony répondra aux questions portant sur la documentation du webinaire. Vous pourrez cependant faire appel à ses services, à vos frais, si vous souhaitez obtenir un soutien individualisé continu.


Ed Mahony

Ed Mahony Pic

Ed Mahony est à la fois défenseur des droits des parents et enseignant-ressource en éducation de l’enfance en difficulté. Il soutient les parents en leur enseignant à utiliser des stratégies positives, concrètes et éprouvées dans leurs relations de collaboration avec les écoles afin que leurs enfants reçoivent des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Ed offre aussi des consultations individuelles aux familles – en personne, en ligne et par téléphone – partout dans la province.

Webinar - Preparing for Your IPRC: A 3-Part Series with Ed Mahony

The goal of this webinar series is to provide families with some clear instructions around getting the most out of their child’s IPRC (Identification, Placement, and Review Committee). There will be a list of resources provided to you to help assist you in the process that Ed will reference throughout his workshop.

Presenter: Ed Mahony

Ed Mahony Pic

Ed Mahony is both a Parent Advocate and Special Education Resource Teacher. He supports parents in learning to provide positive, practical and proven strategies to work successfully with their children's schools to address special education needs. Ed also provides individual consultation to families in person, online and by phone throughout the province.

Webinar - How Can I Help My Child to Print?: Part 4: Building a Foundation with Taunia Clouthier

Part 4 of 4: This webinar will highlight how to develop an understanding of what activities to implement to encourage successful fine motor development and upper extremity strengthening in children.

Other sessions in this series:

Part 1 of 4: A Printing Readiness Workshop for Parents

Part 2 of 4: Lower Case Letters

Part 3 of 4: Making Sense of Lines and Spacing

Speaker: Taunia Clouthier

Taunia Clouthier

Taunia Clouthier is an Occupational Therapist who brings 10 years of experience working within the School Health Support OT Services, where she assumes a consultative role in supporting children, parents and staff within the school environment.  The skills and knowledge that she has gained over the years has inspired her to create FUNctional Therapy in 2018, a company in which she can further share her knowledge and passions through direct services and workshops.  She is very passionate about providing education and believes it is one of the keys to successful growth and development in children.

Sexual Education

The Sexual Profile

There is remarkably little research and clinical knowledge on the sexual understanding and profile of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). One hundred thirty-one subjects living in Canada, Australia, France, Denmark and the United States completed the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI; Derogatis and Melisaratos, 1982). The DSFI examines a range of aspects related to sexuality including knowledge and experience, desire, attitudes, affect, role, fantasies, body image and general sexual satisfaction. It provides a comprehensive assessment of behavior and attitudes relevant to sexuality.

Medication, Education and Advocacy

When a physician prescribes a patient medication, they have a conversation with one another about how much medication to take each day, the different ways to take the prescription, how the patient will know the medication is working, and any possible side effects caused by the medication. This is an important ongoing dialogue that helps to keep the patient informed, but what happens when a patient is unable to have a conversation or ask questions like this with their doctor? What happens to patients who need assistance with figuring out the answers?