In advance of the upcoming federal election, Autism Ontario has joined with our fellow provincial and territory autism organizations and crafted a letter that was sent to the federal party leaders:
August, 13, 2021
The Provincial-Territorial Autism Network (P-TAN) is a united group of autism organizations. Together, P-TAN represents more than half a million Autistic Canadians plus their families across the country.
On behalf of our vast Canadian autism community, we are reaching out to all major federal parties to seek clarity on their commitment to improving the quality of life of Autistic Canadians and their families through the implementation of a National Autism Strategy.
In December 2019, the federal government announced its endorsement for the development of Canada’s first ever National Autism Strategy. This announcement brought renewed hope to Autistic Canadians and their families as they anticipated decisive federal action to address the critical gaps in autism supports and services across the country.
However, P-TAN and our greater autism community are now concerned with the lack of movement for the development of this strategy. While we are aware the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences is leading assessments to inform the federal government on the creation of this national strategy, the autism community is weary of being studied and needs concrete action to improve their quality of life. Currently, every province and territory is struggling to meet the growing needs of their autism community across the lifespan, and the issues are growing every day.
On behalf of the Canadian Autistic community, we ask: will your government commit to investing in the necessary development of a National Autism Strategy, and provide a concrete timeline to have this strategy implemented by 2023?
Before August 31st, we respectfully request a response on how the above question will be addressed if your Party wins a mandate in the upcoming federal election. P-TAN’s collective membership has requested that we publish your responses on our online platforms for constituents.
P-TAN looks forward to your response and collaborating with the federal government to provide Canadians on the autism spectrum with the support and services they deserve.
Julia Boyle, AutismBC
Lyndon Parakin, Autism Calgary
Rick Hutchins, Autism Connections Fredericton
Melinda Noyes, Autism Edmonton
Cynthia Carroll, Autism Nova Scotia
Margaret Spoelstra, Autism Ontario
J. Paul Walsh, Autism Society Newfoundland & Labrador
Natalie Walsh-Annand, Autism Society of Prince Edward Island
Denise McKee, Autism Society NWT
Leslie Peters, Autism Yukon
Liette Lanteigne, Centre d'excellence en
autisme de la Péninsule
acadienne inc
Anne Kresta, Level IT Up
The Conservative Party of Canada has responded to the call from the Provincial-Territorial Autism Network question of where they stand on the National Autism Strategy:
On behalf of the Canadian Autistic community, we ask: will your government commit to investing in the necessary development of a National Autism Strategy, and provide a concrete timeline to have this strategy implemented by 2023?
August 23, 2021
Click here to download the official statement.
Canada’s Conservatives stands with Autistic Canadians and their families. We support the development of a National Autism Strategy to help Autistic Canadians live full lives.
This is an important initiative and will provide crucial benefits to Canadians on the autism spectrum, as well as to their families. Conservatives first endorsed the idea of a National Autism Strategy in 2019. The announcement was made by a member of the Conservative caucus, Mike Lake, alongside his son, Jaden, who himself is on the autism spectrum. Mr. Lake has spent years in the House of Commons advocating for greater rights and supports for Autistic Canadians.
It has been almost two years since the announcement that the government would develop a National Autism Strategy, but families are still waiting. The Liberal government has provided a great deal of lip service to this issue, but the autism community has yet to see any tangible benefit that will be provided to Autistic Canadians, their families, or their caregivers.
A Conservative government would prioritize this important initiative and ensure that Autistic Canadians receive the support they need and deserve in a reasonable time frame. We believe that concrete action is necessary, and the rapid development
of this strategy by 2023 is one thing we will do to provide relief to Autistic Canadians and their families. This will be accomplished while also prioritizing meaningful, in-depth consultation with the autism community. A National Autism Strategy should reflect the real, lived experience of Autistic Canadians and address the diverse set of needs seen in the autism community.
I would like to highlight a few other ways that Conservatives will support Autistic Canadians. Canada’s Recovery Plan will double the Disability Supplement in the Canada Workers Benefit from $744 to $1,500, providing a major boost to lower income Canadians with disabilities, on top of our increase in the Canada Workers Benefit.
To give more Canadians with disabilities access to financial support, we will reduce the number of hours required to qualify for the Disability Tax Credit and the Registered Disability Savings Plan from 14 to 10 hours per week. Our changes will save a person with a disability made eligible for the tax credit or their family an average of $2,100 per year. Making it easier to qualify for the tax credit will also make it easier to qualify for the Registered Disability Savings Plan, which provides up to $3,500 per year in matching grants for Canadians with disabilities.
We look forward to continuing to work with the Provincial-Territorial Autism Network and the autism community on this important priority.
The Liberal Party of Canada has responded to the call from the Provincial-Territorial Autism Network question of where they stand on the National Autism Strategy:
On behalf of the Canadian Autistic community, we ask: will your government commit to investing in the necessary development of a National Autism Strategy, and provide a concrete timeline to have this strategy implemented by 2023?
September 9, 2021
Click here to download the official statement.
We are committed to continuing to work to make Canada a more equitable and inclusive place for all Canadians.
We recognize the complex and diverse needs of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and are committed to improving the health and overall well-being of children and adults with autism spectrum disorder.
That’s why in April 2021, we announced an investment of $15.4 million over two years in the federal Budget to support the development of a National Autism Strategy by enhancing engagement efforts, supporting additional Strategic Fund projects to address emerging priority needs and improving data collection. Work on the strategy has progressed during COVID-19, and the public engagement process by the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences has ended with the final report to be released in early 2022. We look forward to reviewing the report and working with all partners to continue supporting Canadians with ASD and their families.
Over the past six years we have taken concrete action to support ASD Canadians, including:
- $9.1 million in community-based projects to better serve families’ needs;
- $10.9 million for a the Autism and Intellectual Disabilities Knowledge Exchange, to provide online access to information, resources & services;
- $12 million for the Ready, Willing and Able program to help those with autism find a job; and,
- over $42 million towards research to improve understanding and treatment of autism.
We have also taken government wide action including:
- supporting families and putting more money in their pockets with the enhanced Child Disability Benefit and the Canada Child Benefit.
- passing federal accessibility legislation – the Accessible Canada Act – and appointing Canada’s first-ever Minister for Accessibility,
- investing $12 million in the Ready, Willing and Able initiative, a partnership between Employment and Social Development Canada, the Canadian Association for Community Living and the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance.
We understand the importance of inclusive consultation and have invested $1.46 million to make sure that Canada's autism strategy is developed in collaboration with the people most impacted by it. We remain committed to continue our work with provinces, territories, families, individuals with ASD, and stakeholders to achieve this objective.
The New Democratic Party of Canada has responded to the call from the Provincial-Territorial Autism Network question of where they stand on the National Autism Strategy:
On behalf of the Canadian Autistic community, we ask: will your government commit to investing in the necessary development of a National Autism Strategy, and provide a concrete timeline to have this strategy implemented by 2023?
September 14, 2021
Click here to download the official statement.
A New Democratic government will work in partnership with Autistic Canadians to develop and implement a national Autism strategy that will coordinate support for research, ensure access to needs-based services, promote employment, and help expand housing options. We will backstop this strategy with an initial investment of $100 million over four years. We believe that urgent federal action is needed to make Canada a truly inclusive and barrier-free society.
While most federal party leaders say they’re in favour of creating a national autism strategy — which the autism community has been demanding for years — advocates say any plans the parties have lack detail.
“If we’re putting in a report card for the federal (parties), it would be a C,” said Margaret Spoelstra, executive director of Autism Ontario.
Her group is part of the Provincial-Territorial Autism Network...