Our Team
Provincial Office
Autism Ontario’s Provincial Office is located in Toronto and is comprised of both full-time and part-time employees, who support the entire organization.
Our Senior Leadership Team
Farrukh Abbas - Chief Finance and Information Officer
Christa Sawyer - Chief Operations Officer - Family Support
Indu Radhakrishnan- Chief Human Resources Officer
Margaret Spoelstra - Chief Executive Officer
Province Wide Staff
Outside of our office in Toronto, Autism Ontario has Care Coordinators who work regionally throughout the province.
Autism Ontario is an organization made up of seven regions across the province. Each region is managed by Autism Ontario staff with the support of an Oversight Committee and additional volunteer committees that support local community initiatives.
Below is a list of Autism Ontario’s regions. Though each region showcases communities in their geography it is important to recognize this is not an exhaustive list. Communities located between and in proximity to these communities are also supported by each region. If you are unsure of which region your community is associated with, please email Brittany Kok, Volunteer and Chapter Supervisor at brittany.kok@autismontario.com
Central East (Durham, Simcoe, Peterborough, York)
East (Kingston, Upper Canada, Ottawa)
Central West (Halton, Peel, Waterloo, Wellington)
North (North East, Sault St. Marie, Sudbury, Thunder Bay)
South (Niagara, Brant, Hamilton)
West (London, Windsor Essex, Grey Bruce, Huron Perth)
Board of Directors
Autism Ontario is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the voting membership at our Annual General Meeting. The Board creates governance policies, hires and reviews the performance of the Executive Director, and provides overall guidance to the organization. It speaks with one voice and creates policies to oversee the entire organization and its Regions.
The Board of Directors of Autism Ontario endeavours to be wholly representative of the autism community in our province. Our current board is made up of people on the autism spectrum, parents, caregivers and siblings of autistic people, and professionals who support our vision and mission in their work. Our directors are a diverse group of people from across the province, both Anglophone and Francophone, who have experience in the fields of education, healthcare, law, behaviour analysis and business. They volunteer their time, working together to guide Autism Ontario in its efforts to create a supportive and inclusive Ontario for autism.
2024-2025 Board Members
Lisa Vezeau-Allen, President
Sophia Tsouluhas, Vice-Chair
Jennifer Moles, Treasurer
Tanya Rocca, Secretary
David Moloney, Member
Desmond O'Connor, Member
Dr. Hadley S. Koltun, Ph.D., C.Psych, Psychologist, Member
Audrey Susin, Member
Dr. Barry Bruce, Member
Joseph Morin-Lauzon, Member
Rita Miceli, Member