South Region

South Region


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Want to Volunteer?

Interested in volunteering? Our volunteers are the foundation of our success, and we are grateful to each person who commits their time, talent and treasure to advancing our mission and vision.

There are many opportunities to volunteer with Autism Ontario. Whether you are looking for something casual or something more committed, there is a volunteer role suited to you.

Apply today! 

Our Events

**  Registration opens September 4, 2024, @ 12PM **Come join us at Bowlerama Rexdale, as we play a game of 10-pin glow-in-the-dark bowling. Price…
Registration for this event opens on: August 12th, 9 AM EST (English Event Only)Come cross something off your ‘to do’ list! This workshop will…
Join our Building Blocks Lego Club.   Participants will unleash their creativity, showcasing their engineering and architectural skills to construct…
This group is for individuals who have received a diagnosis of Autism in adulthood.  This six-week support group is facilitated by Registered…