Advocacy for School
School-related issues continue to be the number one reason families in Ontario reach out for support from Autism Ontario Regions and Service Navigators. Parents often report feeling overwhelmed, intimidated, and helpless when they are left to advocate for their child’s rights in school. Families are often left on their own to navigate issues like soft suspensions and school exclusions. It can leave parents and caregivers feeling like there is a struggle, barrier, and opposition at every corner.
Find out what you need to know to be a successful parent advocate

School issues continue to be the number one reason families connect with us for support. Autism Ontario, in partnership with Mahony Advocacy, developed Negotiating the Maze: Strategies for Effective Advocacy in Schools. This resource outlines how to advocate effectively and establish positive working relationships with your child’s school. It is filled with tips, templates, and links to important Ministry of Education information.