School Supports
What you need to know as a parent
Autistic students have rights. The Ontario Ministry of Education has enacted legislation and regulations to support the education of students with special needs. School boards are responsible for implementing programs in compliance with current legislation and regulations.
Autism Ontario believes autistic students and their parents must be actively engaged as full partners throughout the education process to optimize learning across home and school. This means that parents and students play an active role in all educational decisions with educators.
Parents may have to strongly advocate to ensure their child’s rights are met at school. It is the parent’s right and responsibility to see that their child has an appropriate educational program, and it is certainly acceptable for parents to advocate for their child. A parent’s relationship with the school/school board is not a social relationship. It is a business/legal relationship with the goal of getting the most appropriate education for your child.
Tips for parents
Every child has the right to an appropriate education where they can prosper. Check out these tips to effectively voice your concerns and successfully advocate for your child:
- Determine indicators of success and long-term goals.
- Focus on issues and identify preferred solutions. Be ready to negotiate!
- Don't place blame, but be persistent and listen carefully.
- Keep records of everything in writing.
- Develop a communication plan with the school.
- Create a file for your child, including assessments, Speech and Language Pathologists (SLP) and Occupational Therapy (OT) reports, Individual Education Plans (IEPs), past report cards, and medical consultations.
Learn more about school supports
- See Autism Ontario's School Resource Collection.
- Learn more about the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC).
- Learn more about Individual Education Plans (IEPs).
- Access the School Advocacy Toolkit.
- Read Autism Ontario's Position Statements on Education.