
Autism Ontario Scholarship for 2025 will be available for application online from April 1 - April 30.  

2024 scholarships information

Each year, Autism Ontario awards scholarships to outstanding students entering their first year of a post-secondary program across Ontario. Read below for information about each scholarship, and click the highlighted link to apply online for the scholarship that suits you.

To qualify, the student applicant on the autism spectrum must currently live in Ontario and be accepted to attend their first year in any level of a post-secondary institution (e.g. college program including apprenticeships, university, graduate) in Canada. The successful candidate will receive their award after Autism Ontario receives proof of registration in first year of a post-secondary institution.

Autism Ontario does not publish award winners' names without their express consent. If you receive any of the below scholarships, Autism Ontario will request and welcome any pictures, written responses, quotes, or other submissions to celebrate the achievement in our Autism Matters magazine, newsletters, annual report, and social media. However, this is entirely optional and recipients are under no obligation to publicly identify themselves. Eligible applicants must be Ontario residents.

The Eleanor Ritchie Post-Secondary Scholarship
Eleanor Ritchie Scholarship information

The Eleanor Ritchie Post-Secondary Scholarship is awarded to students on the autism spectrum. This award is named after Eleanor Ritchie, a long-standing member of Autism Ontario, in recognition of her dedication and support for autistic individuals.






The Jeanette Holden Post-Secondary Scholarship
Jeanette Holden scholarship information

The Jeanette Holden Post-Secondary Scholarship is for siblings of a person on the autism spectrum who are entering the first year of a post-secondary program. The Jeanette Holden Scholarship was named after Dr. Jeanette Holden, a sibling of a person on the spectrum, in recognition of her dedication and contributions to autism research.






The MacDonald Family Post-Secondary Scholarship
MacDonald Family scholarship information

The MacDonald Family Post-Secondary Scholarship is for students with a parent on the autism spectrum who are entering the first year of a post-secondary program. Autism Ontario’s newest scholarship is named after Carole Ann MacDonald and her family. Ms. MacDonald was the first member of the Board of Directors of Autism Ontario who has an autism diagnosis.






Read what past scholarship recipients and their families had to say:

“My daughter and I have just returned home from our previously arranged event and wanted to write you immediately to thank you and Autism Ontario for your generosity and very considerate flexibility and support that made attending today's ceremony all positive for a very socially challenged and anxious young girl. My daughter wants especially to thank you for such an encouraging talk. She is nervous about university as high school has been such a (social) challenge, but hearing the good news about so many kids who may be similarly challenged but who are also succeeding has been inspiring. Thank you again on her behalf (she is doing her homework now)." - Parent of a scholarship recipient

A woman presenting a scholarship to a student

“I am honoured to be one of the seven recipients of the Eleanor Ritchie Scholarship award. I am heading off to Conestoga College for a bookkeeping program in the fall and this will help with my many expenses. This is a wonderful program that Eleanor Ritchie started and Autism Ontario is doing for those of us living with autism.” - Scholarship recipient

“Since applying for the scholarship, I have been accepted into UofT Scarborough in Social Sciences and Humanities. I will be taking courses like Creative Writing and Psychology, so I can continue writing articles for the autism community.” - Scholarship recipient

“I am honoured to have been chosen as a recipient of the Jeanette Holden Post-Secondary Scholarship. This scholarship money will help me further my medical studies…please extend sincere thanks to all the members of Autism Ontario on my behalf.” - Scholarship recipient

Thank you to our generous sponsors who make this possible!

This scholarship fund exists because of donations like yours, which are delivered back to youth and adults on the autism spectrum. We are so grateful for your financial contributions.

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