School Collection

Autism Ontario

Back to school is here! To help you and your family, we have compiled a list of resources to help make the school year successful. Stay tuned, as we will be updating this page all September long. 

This collection of resources aims to support caregivers in transitioning their child to school by building routines for success and supporting positive communication with their child’s school team. See below for information and strategies for parents and caregivers of children at all stages in their school journey.



As a parent of an autistic student, are you seeking effective strategies to enhance your collaboration with the school team? If so, this video is for you! 

Learn four essential tips to help you improve your communication and collaboration with your school. Whether you're a parent, guardian, or student, these practical strategies will empower you to build stronger relationships and work more effectively with your school community.

Watch On-Demand
student at desk with books, supplies and glasses

Do you have questions about setting meaningful goals to increase your non-speaking child’s participation in school? 

If your child is non-speaking, this webinar will talk about how to use the IEP (Individual Education Plan) to increase your child's participation at school. Join Matt Ley as he interviews a panel of experts in “Aligning Communication IEP Goals for Academic Success”.


This presentation is tailored for parents and caregivers of autistic children who are non-speaking or have limited speech. 

Building School Readiness Skills at Home
School campaign 3

Getting ready for school or working on school-readiness skills can feel overwhelming and stressful. There are different areas of development and skills that increase your child’s likelihood of success at school. This workbook outlines play-based activities to support these skills at home. 

As you consider the activities in each section, think about whether this skill area is:  

  • Important to your family right now. 
  • An area where your child is currently successful, and you want to build on this progress.  
  • Something that might be fun to work on together. 
Resources for Building School Readiness Skills at Home
Strategies to Prepare for School Success at Home
family helps child get ready for school. Dad passes backpack to daughter and wife

Watch our Subject Matter Experts discuss simple routines that parents can implement at home to help students transition back to school with some planning and creativity from the comfort of your home and community.  

Video -  Strategies to Prepare for School Routines    

See our PDF tip sheets below for simple strategies you can implement at home to help students of any age make the transition to school smooth. 

Back to School Mental Health Activity Book 

Back to school can be stressful. This activity book was created for parents and kids to learn about and practice some mental health strategies that might be helpful for the school year. 

Get started on the activity book here:  

Resources on Strategies to Prepare for School Success
Strategies for Connecting with Your School Team
teacher reading to student in a library

Find out what to expect in the first 60 days of school, and how best to connect with your child’s school. Information on the various meetings, documents, and assessments that may involve your child will be discussed. 

See our PDF resources below designed for setting your child and their school team up for success.  

Resources for Connecting with Your School Team
Navigating Special Education
Student in classroom setting raising her hand, and teacher acknowledges her

Questions about your child's educational rights and how to advocate for your child? 

During this webinar, our panelists will provide valuable insights and practical tips to effectively navigate special education. We aim to empower parents and caregivers who are new to this journey by equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to advocate for their child's educational needs.  

Learn more about school supports, including information on the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC), Individual Education Plans (IEPs), and read Autism Ontario's Position Statements on Education. We also have some fantastic learning resources related to autism, advocacy, and research. 

School Supports 

Resources for Special Education
Teens & High School Students
two male students looking at a laptop outside

From Surviving to Thriving in High School 

This toolkit from AIDE Canada offers ideas and tips that may be useful for youth in high school. It addresses topics such as: making the most of high school, independence and organization, and friendships, as well as other issues for teens such as smoking, vaping, drugs, alcohol, and making good decisions. 

Hear River, an autistic and Indigenous person share his experience with post-secondary education. 

Teen Mental Health 

Anxiety is the most common type of mental health concern in autistic teens. As a parent and caregiver, you provide support, encouragement, and your presence. This video and the resources below provide some strategies that can help. 

Resources for Teens & High School Students
School Collection YouTube Videos
School campaign

See Autism Ontario’s School and Special Education for Autistic Students playlist on YouTube. 

 In these webinars, you can watch the presentations and learn from our subject matter expert speakers. These webinars are appropriate for parents and caregivers of children of all ages.  

A Two-Part Webinar Miniseries for a Successful September Start 

Webinar Panel