Roots & Wings Psychology

Service Listing
Regulated Services Provided: Psychologist
Credential(s) held: BCBA ®, RBT ®
Description of services offered: We offer diagnostic and psychological assessments, caregiver mediated early intervention (JASPER), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and applied behaviour analysis (ABA) intervention. We also provide consultation, training, support, and advocacy to caregivers, professionals, agencies, and schools. 705-885-9998
Dr. Terri Barriault (Psychologist)
Jennifer Brenier (Psychologist)
Brenda Dumontelle
Jennifer Falcioni (Psychologist)
Allison Millward (BCBA ®)
Sharleigh Peters (RBT ®)
Jeannette Tessier (RBT ®)
Age Groups Served: Preschool, Elementary, High School
Language(s): English-Anglais, French-Français
Primary Work Location

1191-1 Lansing Ave.
Sudbury Ontario, ON
P3A 4C4