West Region - Windsor - Summer Funding

Autism Ontario Summer Funding offers financial support to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families who reside in WINDSOR ESSEX COUNTY. This funding helps individuals to participate in social learning, recreational, and educational activities that enhance the quality of life and support community participation.
This program is available to our families in Windsor-Essex County and is only made possible because of the incredible fundraising efforts from individuals and community partners throughout the years.
Funds that can be reimbursed include:
- Respite Services
- Recreation Programs (sports, art, and music)
- Summer Camp Programs
Any other items or exceptions to the items mentioned above must be approved via e-mail - please e-mail livia@autismontario.com.
Who can apply?
- Parent/Guardian of a child(ren) with a diagnosis of ASD or an adult with ASD - there is no age restriction
Please Note: This fund is only available to families residing in the Windsor-Essex County. All other families will be removed from the list.
This registration will be open until JUNE 23rd, 2023 and you will be notified by June 28th, 2023 if you were approved. Funds must be spent between July 1st, 2023, and August 31st, 2023.
Please Note: A separate application must be submitted for each family member who requests summer funding.
Meet the Eligibility Criteria: The person using the Summer Funding must have a diagnosis of ASD and the application must be submitted by the deadline date of June 23th, 2023. Proof of diagnosis must be provided.
NOTE: Summer 2023 will be the LAST YEAR for Windsor Essex County Summer Funding. We will continue to focus on increasing programs and services throughout Windsor and the entire West Region. If you have program ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Once you have been approved, you will receive an email with the timesheet to be completed. All documents need to be mailed to our office or email to livia@autismontario.com. Funds will be provided e-transfer once the timesheet is complete.
E-transfers will not be issued in advance of receiving receipts/invoices/timesheets. It may take up to 4 weeks to get a payment. September 15th, 2023 is the deadline for receipt submissions.
Child with ASD |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Autistic Adults |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Sibling |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Parents / Guardians / Caregivers |
1 |
2 |
3 |