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Les obstacles à l’emploi des jeunes adultes ayant un handicap de développement

Ce sommaire de recherche porte sur la façon dont les autres jeunes, le passage de l’adolescence aux rigueurs de l’âge adulte ouvre de passionnants horizons aux jeunes individus ayant un handicap de développement (HD), qui peuvent alors explorer de nouveaux intérêts, faire connaissance avec de nouveaux aidants et intervenants communautaires, acquérir des compétences professionnelles et nouer de nouvelles amitiés. Cependant, les jeunes adultes ayant un HD, de même que leurs familles, rencontrent beaucoup plus de problèmes et d’obstacles dans l’atteinte de leurs objectifs que les familles d’enfants non handicapés.

Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities & Inclusive Research: Why does it matter?

This research summary focuses on how people with developmental disabilities (DDs) live in conditions of socioeconomic disadvantage. They experience inequality because they have fewer opportunities to achieve education and employment opportunities. They are also excluded because of stigma, and face obstacles to fully participate in their communities. In Canada people with disabilities between 15 and 64 years old have an employment rate of about 22%, the rate for people without disabilities is more than 73% (Statistics Canada, 2015). Discrimination, exclusion and stigma significantly impact on people with disabilities’ mental health and wellbeing.

Jeunes adultes avec un handicap de développement et inclusivité de la recherche : pourquoi est-ce important?

Ce sommaire de recherche porte sur la façon dont les jeunes personnes ayant un trouble du développement (TD) composent avec une situation de défavorisation socioéconomique.. Leurs moindres possibilités de scolarisation et d’emploi sont cause d’inégalité. La stigmatisation est une autre cause d’exclusion pour ces personnes, dont la pleine participation à la vie communautaire se heurte à des obstacles. Au Canada, les personnes handicapées de 15 à 64 ans présentent un taux d’emploi d’environ 22 %, contre plus de 73 % pour les personnes non handicapées (Statistique Canada, 2015). La discrimination, l’exclusion et la stigmatisation nuisent considérablement à la santé mentale et au bien-être des personnes handicapées.

2012 March Break and Summer Funding for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Report on Parent Views on the Programs

A child floating in a pool in an inner tube with the words "March Break and Summer Funding for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Report on Parent Views on the Programs" above

This report was published in 2012.

For over 35 years, Autism Ontario has worked with the Government of Ontario towards a vision of “acceptance and opportunities for all individuals with ASD”. One initiative of Autism Ontario was to develop a program that would provide direct financial support to families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) to enable them to participate in community-based activities/programs throughout the Summer and March Break vacations from school, such as camps and recreational programs. Financial support for Summer funding was first provided by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services in 2007. Funding could be used by families in a variety of ways. The funding could be used by families to pay for
community recreational/camps programs or one-to-one support over March Break or one-to-one support
during summer holidays.

The direct goals of this program were: (1) to provide families with respite; (2) to support community and recreational participation of children with ASD; (3) to provide high-quality programing opportunities; and (4) to help provide continuity of care during vacation periods defined by the school calendar. Through these four primary goals, it was hoped that several secondary objectives may be achieved: (1) lower parental stress; (2) improvement in skills of the children; and (3) modest improvement in ASD symptomatology. An evaluation component of the program was initiated by Autism Ontario to measure the effective and ineffective elements of the program. This paper will provide an overview of the process involved in the
evaluation of the March Break and Summer Funding program, along with a review of the results of the evaluation. First, a very brief overview of some research supporting the importance of the identified program goals will be reviewed. Next, the evaluation process will be described, followed by a review of the results from the program evaluation. Finally, an executive summary will provide a concise overview of key messages of this evaluation.

Renseignements utiles sur l'iPad pour les élèves qui ont un trouble du spectre de l’autisme et d’autres besoins particuliers

Avec l’introduction sur le marché de la tablette électronique et la multiplication rapide d’applications à l’intention des enfants qui ont un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA), la visite de la boutique d’applications iTunes pour y dénicher celles qui pourraient être utilisées en classe constitue parfois toute une corvée! Toutefois, la nature conviviale de la tablette, son accessibilité et son coût relativement bas ont transformé la façon dont les élèves ayant un TSA peuvent, par exemple, acquérir de nouvelles habiletés, satisfaire aux attentes du curriculum, utiliser des outils de suppléance à la communication et se prévaloir de différentes mesures d’adaptation.

Les faits décrits ci-dessous peuvent aider le personnel scolaire à se constituer une base solide de connaissances et d’habiletés professionnelles qui lui servira à soutenir les élèves ayant un TSA qui utiliseront la technologie de la tablette électronique.

Carl Parker

Autism, Art, and Acceptance

~ 3 minute read As an artist on the autism spectrum, I have learned to embrace my neurodiversity as well as my talent, and even to celebrate them. It’s been a journey spanning many years from self discovery to self acceptance and finally to self-celebration. It wasn’t always easy. In fact, for the first half of my life, it was hard, very hard, both for myself and others around me. As a child and a young man, I never fit in anywhere, not at home, not at school, not even among my peers. Everyone in my life knew I was capable of doing well, yet I seemed to be a constant disappointment, failing to
Carl Parker

Autisme, arts et acceptation

En tant qu’artiste vivant avec un trouble du spectre de l’autisme, j’ai appris à aimer ma neurodiversité ainsi que mon talent, et même à les valoriser. Ce cheminement s’est déroulé sur de nombreuses années et m’a fait passer de la découverte à l’acceptation jusqu’à la célébration de moi-même. Ce voyage n’a pas toujours été de tout repos. En effet, la première moitié de ma vie a été difficile, très difficile, aussi bien pour moi que pour mon entourage. Durant mon enfance et ma jeunesse, je ne me suis jamais senti à ma place, ni à la maison, ni à l’école, ni même parmi mes pairs. Tous mes

Autism Ontario Responds to Needs-Based Autism Program Announcement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Ontario, February 4, 2021 Autism Ontario Responds to Needs-Based Autism Program Announcement Autism Ontario Responds to Needs-Based Autism Program Announcement Download the PDF. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Toronto, Ontario - February 4, 2021 -- Yesterday’s announcement from the Province of Ontario that it will begin core clinical services for approximately 600 children in the new needs-based Ontario Autism Program (OAP) this March is long-awaited news by families of children and youth on the autism spectrum. The announcement reflects key recommendations of the
Vicky McGrath

Superheroes on the Spectrum, Activate!

~ 2 minute read One of the interesting things about my ASD is that even though I’ve had a 25 year career and own my own business, in some areas I am quite emotionally immature. In fact, my 16 year old daughter even says that she is more mature than me! As an example, I am still a big fan of many Disney movies, superhero movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men and Avengers and also Harry Potter and can watch these movies repeatedly. Fortunately, my daughter enjoys watching these movies with me but my husband doesn’t like to watch any movie twice and doesn’t like Harry Potter movies at all
Autism Ontario

Autism Ontario Celebrates International Women's Day

Autism Ontario celebrates International Women's Day 2021 in Ontario by honouring: Autistic girls and women of all ages who find ways, despite increased rates of mental health challenges during a pandemic, to learn online, adapt to new ways of being with family members during lockdowns, and share their stories and artwork with us. Amazing women caregivers/parents who, compared to men, have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 in their roles as caregivers, in their own loss of income or employment due to becoming at-home teachers because their children couldn't attend school safely; and

Autism Ontario Congratulates Dr. Stelios Georgiades upon appointment as McMaster Children’s Hospital Chair in Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Ontario, March 11, 2021 Autism Ontario Congratulates Dr. Stelios Georgiades upon appointment as McMaster Children’s Hospital Chair in Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Autism Ontario Congratulates Dr. Stelios Georgiades upon appointment as McMaster Children’s Hospital Chair in Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Download the PDF. FOR IMEDIATE RELEASE – Toronto, Ontario – March 11, 2021 - Autism Ontario extends its congratulations to Dr. Stelios Georgiades upon his appointment as the inaugural Chair in Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders at McMaster

Webinar - Ask The Doctor: Autism & Mental Health: A Focus on Caregivers

This webinar will discuss the importance of supporting caregivers in the autism community and call attention to issues of equity in this domain. It will also make a case for the importance of promoting connectedness and compassion for self and others in programming supporting caregivers, and highlight the CARES program as an accessible option for caregivers looking for such resources.



Dr. Sivapalan

A family doctor by profession, Dr. Sivapalan believes in the potential for change to the current diagnostic landscape for children with Autism. After six years of a busy and fruitful family practice, Dr. Sivapalan left his practice to help facilitate this change. With an interest in child development, Dr. Sivapalan has worked collaboratively with multiple stakeholders to design the M-DOC, a unique developmental screening initiative whose goal was to increase access to diagnosis and intervention support for newcomer communities. In addition, Dr. Sivapalan helped develop the CARES initiative, which employed a task-shifting model to provide mental health support for caregivers and siblings of children with autism. As a social doer, Dr. Sivapalan has initiated and managed various social impact projects both at the local and global level. Most recently, Dr. Sivapalan became the chief operating officer for “The Dunya Project”, a Canadian agri-tech start-up that is building a connected, climate-controlled modular hydroponic habitat to alleviate the devastating gap in access to affordable foods irrespective of climate conditions.


Kiruthiha Vimalakanthan, MA, is a PhD candidate in clinical psychology at the University of Waterloo. She is currently completing her pre-doctoral residency at Surrey Place. Driven by her passion to improve access to mental health supports in diverse communities, Kiruthiha has consulted on various projects at the South Asian Autism Awareness Centre (SAAAC). Kiruthiha’s primary role at SAAAC is the development and supervision of the CARES initiative, which employs a task-shifting peer-based model to provide mental health support for caregivers of children with autism. Preliminary outcomes of this program were recently published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Webinaire - Demandez au médecin : Autisme et santé mentale – Point de mire sur les aidants (en anglais)

Ce webinaire soulignera l'importance d’appuyer les aidants dans la communauté de l’autisme et abordera les enjeux d'équité dans ce domaine. Il mettra également en évidence l'importance de promouvoir les liens sociaux et la compassion envers soi-même et autrui dans les programmes de soutien aux aidants, et il indiquera en quoi le programme CARES représente une option accessible pour les aidants qui sont en quête de telles ressources.



Médecin de famille de profession, Dr Sivapalan croit à la possibilité de changer l’actuel paysage diagnostique pour les enfants autistes. Après six années fructueuses et fort occupées en médecine familiale, Dr Sivapalan a décidé de réorienter sa carrière pour faciliter ce changement. Dans une optique de développement de l'enfant, Dr Sivapalan a collaboré avec de multiples intervenants pour concevoir M-DOC, un outil de dépistage développemental unique en son genre qui vise à améliorer l’accessibilité des soutiens diagnostiques et d'intervention pour les communautés de nouveaux arrivants. Dr Sivapalan a également contribué à la mise sur pied de l'initiative CARES, qui fait appel à un modèle de délégation des tâches pour offrir un soutien en santé mentale aux aidants et aux frères et sœurs des enfants autistes. En tant qu'acteur social, Dr Sivapalan a mis sur pied et dirigé divers projets à impact social, tant au niveau local qu’au niveau mondial. Plus récemment, il a été nommé chef de l'exploitation du « Dunya Project », une jeune pousse du secteur agro-technologique canadien qui bâtit un habitat hydroponique modulaire connecté et au climat contrôlé pour réduire l'écart dévastateur caractérisant l'accès aux aliments abordables, sans égard aux conditions climatiques.


Kiruthiha Vimalakanthan, M.A., doctorante en psychologie clinique à l'Université de Waterloo, termine actuellement son internat prédoctoral à Surrey Place. Farouchement déterminée à aider diverses communautés à avoir un meilleur accès aux soutiens en santé mentale, Kiruthiha a été consultante dans divers projets du South Asian Autism Awareness Centre (SAAAC), où elle s’occupe principalement d’implanter et de superviser l’initiative CARES, qui fait appel à un modèle de délégation des tâches pour offrir un soutien en santé mentale aux aidants d’enfants autistes. Les résultats préliminaires de cette initiative ont récemment été publiés dans le Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Statement by Autism Ontario: Guilty Verdict in Toronto Van Attack Trial has Lasting Implications for Autism Community

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Ontario, March 3, 2021 Statement by Autism Ontario: Guilty Verdict in Toronto Van Attack Trial has Lasting Implications for Autism Community Statement by Autism Ontario: Guilty Verdict in Toronto Van Attack Trial has Lasting Implications for Autism Community Download the PDF. FOR IMEDIATE RELEASE – Toronto, Ontario – March 3, 2021 - With today's verdict, there are no winners, but a measure of justice has been served for the families of those murdered: Beutis Renuka Amarasinghe, Andrea Knafelc Bradden, Geraldine Brady, So He Chung, Anne Marie D'Amico, Mary
Lisa Lambertus Boros, parent and artist

A Book to Celebrate Our Differences

My 10-year-old autistic son, Evan, and I wrote and illustrated children’s book together called I Wonder…A book to celebrate our differences. It embraces neurodiversity and how our differences make us special. Our book asks questions like, “Why am I different? And why do I need different things to learn and grow?” We answer these questions while making comparisons in nature: all trees are different, and all flowers need different things to grow. Evan has always been my biggest source of inspiration; I was inspired to write this book because Evan asks me questions about his differences. The

Offrir des choix afin de réduire les comportements non désirés

La formation virtuelle s’adresse aux parents d’enfants autistes ainsi qu’aux aidants qui travaillent auprès d’enfants ou d’adolescents avec un diagnostic d’autisme. La formation explique plus précisément comment offrir des choix qui peut effectivement réduire les comportements non désirés chez un enfant ou adolescent. 
Les questions suivantes seront abordées :
• Pourquoi est-ce important d’offrir des choix?
• Que dit la recherche par rapport à l’offre de choix comme stratégie préventive dans la réduction de comportements non désirés?
• Quels sont les différents types de choix que l’on peut présenter à un enfant ou adolescent?
• À quel moment devrait-on utiliser la stratégie d’offrir des choix afin d’éviter des comportements difficiles non désirés et à quel moment devrait-on éviter de l’utiliser?
• À l’aide d’exemples pratiques, comment est-ce qu’on emploie la stratégie d’offrir le choix auprès d’un enfant ou adolescent dans la vie quotidienne?

Webinar - How Can I Help My Child to Print? Part 2: Lower Case Letters with Taunia Clouthier

Part 2 of 4: Learn functional tips and tricks to help teach a child how to print.  This webinar will highlight how to teach children lower case letter formations.  We will explore using multisensory activities that are fun and motivating. These activities will help encourage success.

Other sessions in this series:

Part 1 of 4: A Printing Readiness Workshop for Parents

Part 3 of 4: Making Sense of Lines and Spacing

Part 4 of 4: Building a Foundation

Speaker: Taunia Clouthier

Taunia Clouthier

Taunia Clouthier is an Occupational Therapist who brings 10 years of experience working within the School Health Support OT Services, where she assumes a consultative role in supporting children, parents and staff within the school environment.  The skills and knowledge that she has gained over the years has inspired her to create FUNctional Therapy in 2018, a company in which she can further share her knowledge and passions through direct services and workshops.  She is very passionate about providing education and believes it is one of the keys to successful growth and development in children.

Webinaire - Comment puis-je aider mon enfant à écrire? Partie 2 : Les lettres minuscules avec Taunia Clouthier (en anglais)

Partie 2 sur 4: Ce webinaire vous donnera des astuces et des conseils fonctionnels sur la façon d’apprendre l’écriture à vos enfants, en mettant l’accent sur la formation des lettres minuscules. Nous aborderons des activités multisensorielles à la fois amusantes et motivantes qui encouragent la réussite.

Sessions supplémentaires dans cette série de webinaires:

Partie 1 sur 4: Un atelier de préparation à l’enseignement de l’écriture pour les parents

Partie 3 sur 4: Comprendre les lignes et les espaces

Partie 4 sur 4: Jeter les bases

Conférenciers: Taunia Clouthier

Taunia Clouthier

Taunia Clouthier est une ergothérapeute œuvrant pendant dix ans avec les Services auxiliaires de santé dans les écoles de l’Ontario, où elle joue un rôle consultatif auprès des enfants, des parents et du personnel en milieu scolaire. Les connaissances et les compétences qu’elle a acquises au cours de ces années l’ont inspirée à créer FUNctional Therapy en 2018. Il s’agit d’une entreprise avec laquelle elle peut partager son savoir et ses passions dans le cadre de services et d’ateliers directs. Taunia est une personne extrêmement passionnée par le partage de connaissances, et elle croit que c’est l’une des clés d’une croissance d’un développement réussis chez les enfants.

Empowering Families The “Step Approach Model” for Effective Advocacy

This article argues that families of individuals with ASD can benefit greatly from learning the “Step Approach Model” for effective advocacy. Families of children, teens and adults with ASD (and related diagnoses) sometimes lack the necessary skills and confidence to raise concerns comfortably and constructively with human service systems. Yet, families sometimes have more real political “clout” in affecting change in educational, developmental, social service and health systems than they realize at first (Schields, 1987). When families raise concerns, they stand outside of existing systems. They have access to sources of influence (e.g., mainstream and social media, top government or bureaucratic decision-makers, self-help and advocacy groups) not ordinarily available to people employed by service organizations.

Paul Walderman, Digital Content Specialist, Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment

My Story, My Journey, My Gift – Living In A World With A Neurodivergent Mind

~ 3 minute read During these unprecedented times, it is more important than ever to show compassion and empathy for others. To help those who are in need. To be open and upfront by speaking out regarding mental health. During a global pandemic, I know this past year has taught me a lot. It taught me to be positive, humble, show dignity, reveal uncomfortable facts, appreciate the little things (the little things matter) and, of course, to inspire and lead by example. Living my life on the autism spectrum, I have struggled with so many mental health challenges related to living with the complex
Tatum Shiff, Content and Marketing Coordinator, Autism Ontario

While World Autism Month Ends, Our Work Continues

~ 3 minute read As World Autism Month comes to an end, we want to thank everyone who helped us rally together to increase understanding, acceptance, and celebration of people on the autism spectrum, foster support, and inspire a more inclusive world. Thank you also for sharing your photos and videos with us; we were so inspired by the variety of flag-raising ceremonies you organized around the province! We are also grateful to the many businesses, small and large, who raised money for Autism Ontario this month and to every individual person who made a donation. You are all making a difference
Tatum Shiff, Coordonnatrice des contenus et du marketing, Autisme Ontario

Le Mois mondial de l’autisme prend fin et notre travail continue

Au terme du Mois mondial de l’autisme, nous souhaitons remercier toutes les personnes qui nous ont aidés à unir nos forces pour mieux faire comprendre et accepter les personnes autistes, pour leur rendre hommage, pour promouvoir leur soutien et pour inspirer l’avènement d’un monde plus inclusif. Merci également d’avoir partagé avec nous vos photos et vidéos; la diversité de cérémonies de lever du drapeau que vous avez organisées dans la province est certainement impressionnante! Nous souhaitons de même exprimer notre gratitude aux nombreuses entreprises, petites et grandes, qui ont amassé de l

Autism Ontario Teams with Crock A Doodle to Bring Fun to Families and Raise Funds

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Ontario, April 27, 2021 Autism Ontario Teams with Crock A Doodle to Bring Fun to Families and Raise Funds Autism Ontario Teams with Crock A Doodle to Bring Fun to Families and Raise Funds Download the PDF. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Toronto, Ontario – April 27, 2021 - Autism Ontario and Crock A Doodle are partnering to raise funds for people on the autism spectrum in a fundraising event involving families across the province. The “Dish it Up for Autism” event, in place now until April 30th, provides a creative and fun experience for families where participants of