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Lisa Lambertus Boros, parent and artist

A Book to Celebrate Our Differences

My 10-year-old autistic son, Evan, and I wrote and illustrated children’s book together called I Wonder…A book to celebrate our differences. It embraces neurodiversity and how our differences make us special. Our book asks questions like, “Why am I different? And why do I need different things to learn and grow?” We answer these questions while making comparisons in nature: all trees are different, and all flowers need different things to grow. Evan has always been my biggest source of inspiration; I was inspired to write this book because Evan asks me questions about his differences. The
Paul Walderman, Digital Content Specialist, Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment

My Story, My Journey, My Gift – Living In A World With A Neurodivergent Mind

~ 3 minute read During these unprecedented times, it is more important than ever to show compassion and empathy for others. To help those who are in need. To be open and upfront by speaking out regarding mental health. During a global pandemic, I know this past year has taught me a lot. It taught me to be positive, humble, show dignity, reveal uncomfortable facts, appreciate the little things (the little things matter) and, of course, to inspire and lead by example. Living my life on the autism spectrum, I have struggled with so many mental health challenges related to living with the complex
Tatum Shiff, Content and Marketing Coordinator, Autism Ontario

While World Autism Month Ends, Our Work Continues

~ 3 minute read As World Autism Month comes to an end, we want to thank everyone who helped us rally together to increase understanding, acceptance, and celebration of people on the autism spectrum, foster support, and inspire a more inclusive world. Thank you also for sharing your photos and videos with us; we were so inspired by the variety of flag-raising ceremonies you organized around the province! We are also grateful to the many businesses, small and large, who raised money for Autism Ontario this month and to every individual person who made a donation. You are all making a difference
Tatum Shiff, Coordonnatrice des contenus et du marketing, Autisme Ontario

Le Mois mondial de l’autisme prend fin et notre travail continue

Au terme du Mois mondial de l’autisme, nous souhaitons remercier toutes les personnes qui nous ont aidés à unir nos forces pour mieux faire comprendre et accepter les personnes autistes, pour leur rendre hommage, pour promouvoir leur soutien et pour inspirer l’avènement d’un monde plus inclusif. Merci également d’avoir partagé avec nous vos photos et vidéos; la diversité de cérémonies de lever du drapeau que vous avez organisées dans la province est certainement impressionnante! Nous souhaitons de même exprimer notre gratitude aux nombreuses entreprises, petites et grandes, qui ont amassé de l

Autism Ontario Teams with Crock A Doodle to Bring Fun to Families and Raise Funds

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Ontario, April 27, 2021 Autism Ontario Teams with Crock A Doodle to Bring Fun to Families and Raise Funds Autism Ontario Teams with Crock A Doodle to Bring Fun to Families and Raise Funds Download the PDF. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Toronto, Ontario – April 27, 2021 - Autism Ontario and Crock A Doodle are partnering to raise funds for people on the autism spectrum in a fundraising event involving families across the province. The “Dish it Up for Autism” event, in place now until April 30th, provides a creative and fun experience for families where participants of
Monica Richardson

Happy Birthday Matthew! (Part 2)

~ 3 minute read It’s been 6 years since I wrote the story, “Happy Birthday Matthew!” for, and reading it and seeing Matthew’s smiling face brings me such joy! Now that we’ve passed his 28th birthday, I thought it was time for an update on his life. Matthew continues to enjoy so many of the life’s moments I mentioned in Part 1, and more! He lives in a wonderful autism-specialized home near us, and the staff and support has been amazing. We’ve had our Friday night dates at Swiss Chalet (temporarily on hold for the past year!), he loves to wade in the pool, still enjoys


~ 3 minute read Why is the title a not so clever pun you may ask? Well, the essence of this post is to embrace the idea of teamwork. This pandemic has placed an ample amount of stress on families with children in general, but particularly families with children on the spectrum. The confinement indoors is enough to alter an array of factors including one’s mood, behaviour, habits- you name it. However, I found there are strategies we can employ to alleviate the stress placed on our loved ones as well as ourselves. For someone who has a sibling with autism- my brother- these activities are

Autistic Creativity

Welcome to the place where we highlight autistic creativity. In this section of our website, you’ll find links to content created by autistic people, including learning resources, blogs, artwork, and more. Everything you see here was submitted by someone on the spectrum and/or their caregiver and is shared with their permission.  All artwork is on display below. Click here to read blog posts written by autistic people. Click here to read learning resources and creative writing by autistic people. Click here to read about Creative Art Therapies and view art created by autistic people. Do you
Fiona Westner-Ramsay

Our Trip to the Vaccine Clinic

I am the mom of Makobe, an 18-year-old with severe autism who lives at home with us in Muskoka. My husband, Mike, works for Swift Canoe and Kayak, and we are the owners/operators of a local canoe paddle-making business, Badger Paddles. I wish to share our vaccine story as a parent of a child with exceptionalities. We were invited to get our vaccines this past week, and our family is beyond grateful for the experience. Makobe is essentially nonverbal and is unable to express himself as a neurotypical teen would. We did all we could to prepare him for the small needle, but when it was his turn

Autistic Blog Posts

This is a list of blog posts that were written for Autism Ontario by people on the autism spectrum. We are thankful that they shared their valuable thoughts, stories, and insights with us, and we hope that you’ll read through them to gain a deeper understanding about neurodiversity from their different perspectives.

Billets de blogue de personnes autistes

Voici une liste d’articles de blogue rédigés pour Autisme Ontario par des personnes autistes. Nous leur sommes reconnaissants d’avoir accepté de nous faire partager leurs précieuses réflexions, leurs récits et leurs idées, dont nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance pour mieux comprendre la neurodiversité selon leurs différentes perspectives.

Learning Resources and Creative Writing

This is a list of all our learning resources and creative writing submissions that were written by autistic people. We’re grateful for everyone who has shared their knowledge, lived experience, expertise, and creativity with us and with our community. 

OTF grant helps Autism Ontario and OAAI launch report led by autistic adults, caregivers and allies on service gaps and needs in Ottawa

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Ontario, June 21, 2021 OTF grant helps Autism Ontario and OAAI launch report led by autistic adults, caregivers and allies on service gaps and needs in Ottawa OTF grant helps Autism Ontario and OAAI launch report led by autistic adults, caregivers and allies on service gaps and needs in Ottawa Download the PDF. FOR IMEDIATE RELEASE – Ottawa, Ontario – June 21, 2021 - Creating a supportive and inclusive Ontario for autism is the mission of the Autism Society Ontario, also known as Autism Ontario. In 2019, the organization was awarded an Ontario Trillium Foundation
Paula Kluth

Honoring and Including Students with Communication Differences

~ 5 minute read Adapted from: P. Kluth (2010). “You’re Going to Love This Kid!”: Teaching Students with Autism in the Inclusive Classroom (Rev ed.). Baltimore: Brookes. This article is from the website of Dr. Paula Kluth. It, along with many others on inclusive schooling, differentiated instruction, and literacy can be found at “I have a new student coming to my sixth-grade classroom and I am stumped. Ben does not speak very much but he sometimes uses an electronic device to make choices and greet people. He also knows some sign language. I am not sure how to include him in
Amanda Strapp

COVID-19: My Story of the First Months

~ 4 minute read Like the all of Canada, I was affected when COVID-19 officially arrived and started wreaking havoc. And while I didn’t really notice during the first few months, I really had my eyes opened to the situation we were in when the government gave the order to shut down the majority of businesses to help contain the virus. That was when it really sank in that it was a serious issue. When the realization hit, I was stricken with fear. What was going to happen? Will life be over as we know it? Will I ever do the things I loved ever again? And I’ll admit, when I had that thought, I
Amanda Strapp

Ce que j’ai vécu pendant les premiers mois de la COVID-19

4 minutes de lecture Comme tout le reste du Canada, j’ai été affectée lorsque la COVID-19 est arrivée officiellement et a commencé à faire des ravages. Même si pendant les premiers mois, je n’ai rien remarqué, j’ai vraiment ouvert les yeux quand le gouvernement a donné l’ordre de fermer la majorité des commerces pour aider à contenir le virus. C’est à ce moment que j’ai vraiment compris la gravité de la situation. Quand j’ai réalisé ce qui se passait, la peur m’a envahie. Qu’allait-il arriver? Notre vie telle que nous la connaissions était-elle terminée? Est-ce que je pourrai à nouveau faire

Un sondage d’Autisme Ontario recommande une augmentation des soutiens en milieu scolaire pour les enfants autistes en prévision de la rentrée

POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE Toronto (Ontario), le 30 juillet 2020 Un sondage d’Autisme Ontario recommande une augmentation des soutiens en milieu scolaire pour les enfants autistes en prévision de la rentrée Un sondage d’Autisme Ontario recommande une augmentation des soutiens en milieu scolaire pour les enfants autistes en prévision de la rentrée Télécharger le PDF. Autisme Ontario a publié les résultats d’un sondage mené auprès de 2 400 parents et aidants d’enfants autistes ontariens, portant sur les expériences vécues durant la période de fermeture des écoles et sur leurs inquiétudes entourant
Angèle Paquette

Service Navigation in Northern Ontario During COVID-19

~ 3 minute read These are very strange and trying times indeed! As one of the Autism Ontario Service Navigators working in North, we usually come across unique challenges and obstacles as we try to reach families to offer support, and provide information and resources. The main obstacles are a lack of local resources and service providers, and long distances (some as long as eight hours!) between towns/cities; to get to the James Bay coastal communities, for instance, you have to take a train or plane! COVID-19 social distancing has brought about new challenges, but it has also helped us gain
Angèle Paquette

La navigation des services dans le Nord de l’Ontario au temps de la COVID-19

3 minutes de lecture Cette situation est certainement étrange et éprouvante! En tant que l’une des prestataires des services de navigation d’Autisme Ontario travaillant dans le Nord, nous sommes souvent mis à l’épreuve et rencontrons des obstacles particuliers en tentant de rejoindre les familles pour leur offrir du soutien, des renseignements et des ressources. Le manque de ressources locales et de fournisseurs de services est le principal obstacle que nous rencontrons, ainsi que les longues distances à parcourir entre les villes (parfois jusqu’à huit heures!). Par exemple, il faut prendre un

Autism Ontario Survey Recommends Increased School-Based Supports for Children with Autism Ahead of Return to School

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Ontario, July 30, 2020 Autism Ontario Survey Recommends Increased School-Based Supports for Children with Autism Ahead of Return to School Autism Ontario Survey Recommends Increased School-Based Supports for Children with Autism Ahead of Return to School Download the PDF. Autism Ontario has released the results of a survey of 2,400 Ontario parents and caregivers of children on the spectrum regarding their experiences during the school closure period and their concerns regarding a return to school in the fall. Primary among the report’s recommendations was a call

Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability

All information listed on Autism Ontario’s website is provided “as is”. You agree not to hold Autism Ontario responsible for the content of the listings or actions of the service providers. Autism Ontario does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of any content or the quality, safety, or legality of what is offered. Accordingly, to the extent legally permitted, we expressly disclaim all warranties, representations and conditions, express or implied, including those of quality, merchantability, merchantable quality, durability, fitness for a particular purpose and

Avertissements et limitations de responsabilité

Tous les renseignements énumérés sur le site d’Autisme Ontario sont fournis sur une base « tels quels ». Vous convenez de ne pas tenir Autisme Ontario responsable du contenu des listes ou des gestes des fournisseurs de services. Autisme Ontario ne garantit pas l’exactitude, l’exhaustivité, l’efficacité ou la présentation en temps opportun de quelque contenu que ce soit, ni la qualité, le caractère sécuritaire ou la légalité de ce qui est offert. Conséquemment, et dans toute la mesure où la loi le permet, nous nions expressément l’existence de toute garantie, de toute représentation et de toute
Monica Richardson

Where are Mom and Dad?

~ 2 minute read March 24th was our son’s 27th birthday. We ventured to Matthew’s home with a birthday cake his sister baked, and while there were not yet official isolation rules in place, we kept a respectable distance from the personal support workers and staff at his group home. Little did we know that it would be weeks, possibly months, before we would be able to kiss him, hug him, or have our Friday ‘date night’ at Swiss Chalet again. Our son has autism. He is non-verbal and requires 24/7 care. Matthew requires considerable supports but has an incredible ‘filing cabinet’ memory – he knows
Monica Richardson

Où sont passés maman et papa?

2 minutes de lecture Le 24 mars dernier, notre fils fêtait son 27e anniversaire. Nous nous sommes rendus au foyer de groupe de Matthew avec un gâteau confectionné par sa sœur, et bien qu’il n’y avait pas encore de règles officielles en place concernant l’isolement, nous avions gardé une distance respectable des travailleurs de soutien et du personnel du foyer de groupe. Nous ne savions pas que des semaines, possiblement des mois, passeraient avant que nous puissions l’embrasser, le serrer dans nos bras ou souper en tête à tête avec lui au Swiss Chalet les vendredis soirs. Notre fils est

Autism Ontario Proposed Bylaw Changes

Download the full Briefing Note PDF. Download the full New By-Law No. 1. Briefing Note – New By-Law No. 1 Autism Society Ontario (the “Corporation”) was incorporated as a non-share capital corporation under the Ontario Corporations Act (the “OCA”) by Letters Patent dated May 25, 1973 (as amended by Supplementary Letters Patent dated July 17, 1986 and May 27, 1991) and registered as a Canadian charity effective as of May 25, 1973. It is anticipated that the OCA will be replaced by the Ontario Not-for-profit Corporations Act, 2010 (the “ONCA”) by the end of 2020 or early 2021. The Corporation’s

Autism Career Connections - For Job Seekers

Create the Future You've Always Wanted Find Meaningful Work as an Autistic Person If you're looking for a meaningful long-term career, you're not alone! Most people on the autism spectrum want to find meaningful employment and get the satisfaction of being paid for doing the skilled work they love. But it can be tough getting in front of employers. That's where Autism Career Connections can help. From interview preparation to resume writing, you'll master the skills you need to make the all-important positive connection with potential employers! This is a free, no-cost to you program. It will