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Autisme et créativité

Bienvenue au lieu de mise en valeur de la créativité des individus autistes. Cette section de notre site Web contient des liens menant à du contenu créé par des personnes autistes : ressources d’apprentissage, blogues, œuvres d’art, etc. Tout ce que vous trouvez ici a été soumis par une personne autiste et/ou son aidant, et est diffusé avec sa permission. Toutes les œuvres figurent ci-dessous. Cliquez ici pour lire les billets de blogue rédigés par des personnes autistes. Cliquez ici pour accéder à des ressources d’apprentissage et à des créations littéraires provenant de personnes autistes


CommunityConnectCommunauté héberge notre répertoire de services, de ressources d'apprentissage et d’activités. Vous pouvez chercher des services reliés à l'autisme, et faire des recherches parmi les ressources et activités d'Autisme Ontario. Il ne s'agit pas de la Liste des fournisseurs du POSA. Pour consulter la Liste des fournisseurs du POSA, cliquer ici. Le portail regroupe actuellement des centaines de ressources, de services et d'activités offerts un peu partout en Ontario (professionnels de la santé mentale, ergothérapeutes, orthophonistes, travailleurs sociaux, fournisseurs d'ACA, etc.)

Les positions d’Autisme Ontario en matière d’éducation

Nos prises de position en matière d’éducation sont conçues pour aider les parents à résoudre des problèmes à l’école et à obtenir des soutiens ou des services pédagogiques et font la promotion des changements dans les pratiques, les politiques et les comportements au sein de notre système d’éducation, de manière respectueuse, positive et efficace. Ce que vous devez savoir en tant que parent L’action revendicatrice vise à assurer le respect, la protection et la progression de ses droits ou des droits des autres. Les élèves ayant reçu un diagnostic de trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) ont

Simcoe County Charity Golf Classic

The 10th Annual Charity Golf Classic raised $28,500 in 2019. Many thanks to our sponsors, those who donated prizes, golfers and volunteers who made the day a success!

Niagara Tee Up for Autism

Charity Golf Tournament Thank you for your interest in our annual charity golf tournament. Please check back in March 2020 for more details! Autism Ontario - Niagara Region Chapter hosts a Charity Golf Tournament at Rolling Meadows Golf Club, (located at 12741 Montrose Road, Niagara Falls, ON) each year to directly benefit individuals and families with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Like to play golf and help people? Autism Ontario - Niagara Chapter's Tee Up for Autism Charity Golf Tournament is the perfect event for you! Proceeds from Tee Up! For Autism benefit our Family Funding Bursary

Our Stories

Our mission at Autism Ontario is to ensure that each individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is provided the means to achieve quality of life as a respected member of society. We are dedicated to increasing public awareness about autism and the day-to-day issues faced by individuals with autism, their families, and the professionals with whom they interact. Through your support, Autism Ontario serves as the province’s largest collective voice representing the autism community, made up of knowledgeable parents and professionals who can speak to ASD issues across Ontario. We are dedicated


Comité de surveillance Chaque région d’Autisme Ontario compte un comité de surveillance. Il s’agit d’un groupe dévoué de bénévoles qui consacrent leur temps, leur énergie et leurs talents à surveiller l’orientation stratégique de la région, à planifier et gérer les activités et à s’efforcer de concrétiser la mission d’Autisme Ontario, soit bâtir un Ontario plus solidaire et inclusif pour les personnes autistes. Outre ces postes dans le comité de surveillance, il existe d’autres possibilités de bénévolat au sein de divers comités dont la raison d’être dépend des besoins régionaux établis par le

Simcoe County Donors

Autism Ontario - Simcoe County Chapter is fortunate to receive community support from so many wonderful individuals and organizations. Here is a list of our recent donors and generous gift in kind funders: Granted our Chapter $2500 for our 2019 Ski/Snowboard Program at Mt St Louis! Kiwanis Club of Orillia donated $2000 to be used for our Social Skills Programming! Many thanks to the Catch the Ace committee in Angus for donating $5000 to our Chapter! Patchless MC 'Ride for Autism' raised over $16,500 in 2018! WW Huronia & Mapleview Locations Collected $9,000 in the month of April, 2019! ​ CIBC

Janet's Story

Why does the work of Autism Ontario still matter after 40 years? It’s really simple. Autism Ontario is extended family for parents with loved ones diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism Ontario matters. Our family joined Autism Ontario in 1993, shortly after our daughter Grace was diagnosed with autism. Our membership number was 109, hinting at the humble beginnings of this organization. But that was also a different time. When Grace was diagnosed, we were told that the incidence of autism was only one in 10,000, not the 1 in 66 it is today. When you donate to Autism Ontario

Ethel's Story

My Autism Family My daughter Stacy was born in 1970, and diagnosed with autism at the age of 4. At that time, various doctors and specialists we saw had no knowledge of what autism was, and told me to ‘put her in an institution’. I was appalled, how could a mother lock her child away? What was I going to do? The answer was simple; I would find a way to raise our daughter. When Stacy started nursery school, I met other parents struggling to support their children on the spectrum. In response to these struggles, we joined the York Region Chapter of Autism Ontario and it was there I found a place

River's Story

When my son, River Christie-White, started school, he did not talk. In fact, until the age of about 8, there were no words. And until River was born, I did not know what autism was. Today, Autism Ontario can be there for you when you get the diagnosis, or in fact, at any time you need help. Their staff and volunteers give every day. Now, at 17, my First Nations teen speaks in front of crowds across Canada and the United States, spreading not just awareness about autism, but the need for inclusiveness for all, and particularly supports for children and families with special needs on reserves.

Moton's Story

Who is Moton Hopkins III? Moton Hopkins III is a man who wears many hats. Moton is a retired football player, now coach, with the Ottawa Redblacks. Moton is the older brother of Matthew, a young, non-verbal adult with autism. Moton is the man who created Mo’s Football Camp; a camp where children on the autism spectrum can sharpen their football skills. Moton is the man who brought a group of professional football players and children on the autism spectrum together to play football and have fun! Moton gives back to his community, and is an inspiration to those who know him. Moton’s inspiration

Autism Ontario's Education Position Statements

Our Educational Position Statements are designed to help parents resolve school issues, obtain needed educational supports or services and help promote a change in the practices, policies and/or behaviours in our educational system in a respectful, positive and effective way. What do you need to know as a parent? Advocacy is about securing, protecting and advancing the rights of one’s self or others. Students on the autism spectrum have rights. The Ministry of Education has enacted legislation and regulations to support the education of students with special needs. School boards are

Fournisseurs de services – Ajouter vos services

Vous offrez un service ou un soutien lié à l'autisme? Votre personnel et vous-mêmes possédez une formation et de l’expérience concernant le travail auprès des enfants, des adolescents ou des adultes autistes? Inscrivez-vous.

Flip Give- Shop Online

Autism Ontario London FlipGive - Shop on Line, FlipGive is an easy and effective way to help fundraise for our London Chapter while making purchases you would normally make anyway. The company you purchase from donates a percentage of the item price back to London Chapter. It's that easy! Movies, coffee, workout wear, name brands, the directory of brand names are endless: How it Works: Click the here to Join the Team This Autism London link is automatically set up for you. Join now it is free. Our invite code is NMJC53 Create your account: name, email and password. Once completed, you are set

Get Involved

Autism Ontario is currently offering a variety of online events, support groups and webinars for the whole family. Whether you’re interested in learning, connecting with others, or just want to have fun, we’ve got something for everyone! Please note: We encourage families to register for the webinars and support groups that work (time and topic) for them, and not to be restricted by the region or city listed on the registration. During online groups, the speaker will specify at the beginning of the group if some of the information will be region specific.


Autisme Ontario offre actuellement toute une gamme d’activités en ligne, des groupes de soutien et des webinaires qui s’adressent à toute la famille. Que vous souhaitiez apprendre, communiquer avec d’autres personnes ou tout simplement vous amuser, nous avons quelque chose à proposer à tout le monde! À noter : Nous encourageons les familles à s'inscrire aux webinaires et aux groupes de soutien qui leur conviennent (heure et thème), sans se limiter à la région ou à la ville indiquée dans les consignes d'inscription. Lors des réunions en ligne, l'animateur(rice) commencera par préciser si

March Break Reimbursement Fund

FAQ About the March Break Reimbursement Fund Hello, Email notifications with the results of the draw are delayed until February 23rd, 2024. We thank you for your patience. *Autism Spectrum Disorder

March Break Reimbursement Fund - FAQ's

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services supports March break programs for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders through more regionally based programs. Families should check with MCSS Regional Offices for further information regarding other March break program supports funded by the Government of Ontario. For information about Regional Offices, click here. Autism Ontario will notify all families who submitted an application by January 31, 2024. ALL applicants will be informed whether they were selected or not in the draw. Do I need to re-submit the proof of

Le Fonds de remboursement de la semaine de relâche - FAQ's

Le ministère des Services à l'enfance et des Services sociaux et communautaires maintient son appui aux programmes offerts pendant la semaine de relâche à l’intention des enfants et des adolescents ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) par l’entremise d’un plus grand nombre programmes dans les régions. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur les autres formes d’aide pour la semaine de relâche financées par le gouvernement de l’Ontario, les familles devraient s’adresser aux bureaux régionaux de ce Ministère. Pour obtenir de l’information sur les bureaux régionaux, prière de cliquer ici