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Afficher 1 - 228 de 228

Flip Give- Shop Online

Autism Ontario London FlipGive - Shop on Line, FlipGive is an easy and effective way to help fundraise for our London Chapter while making purchases you would normally make anyway. The company you purchase from donates a percentage of the item price back to London Chapter. It's that easy! Movies, coffee, workout wear, name brands, the directory of brand names are endless: How it Works: Click the here to Join the Team This Autism London link is automatically set up for you. Join now it is free. Our invite code is NMJC53 Create your account: name, email and password. Once completed, you are set

Quarter Auction

Looking for a little online auction fun? ? Join us for the Autism Charity Quarter Auction from the comfort of your home! Auction paddles go on sale on August 21st, with the auction beginning on August 24th and wrapping up with live draws on August 30th. Each auction round, local vendors will post an item (with a description and product value) and bidders comment their paddle number for their quarter bids, it’s that simple! Paddles are $5 for the first one, $2 for any additional paddles, with all paddle sales being donated directly to our chapter! ? In order to purchase paddles, play and keep

Thank You London Sponsors

Special Thanks to our Sponsors To Learn More about Becoming a Sponsor : Contact 519-433-3390

Volunteer with the West Region

There are many opportunities to volunteer with Autism Ontario. Whether you are looking for something casual or something more committed, there is a volunteer role suited to you. Here are some of the ways you can volunteer with Autism Ontario: Administrative: help with mailings, thank you letters, etc. Events: we run events year-round, which require volunteers to keep them running smoothly Whether you want to lend a hand with administrative work, help with event planning, volunteer at an event, or sit on a committee, we encourage you to become a volunteer and help us raise awareness of Autism

Halton Events

Currently our events are posted on our Facebook page. Please check back for more information.

London Events

Christmas Decorating Contest: Put your decorating skills to the test and send us a picture of your best work for the chance to win a $5 gift card to Tim Hortons! We will share holiday craft ideas weekly-you decide which crafts to make and how many you'll do. Crafts will be shared on Nov 30, Dec. 7, and Dec 14 and winners will be announced Friday December 18th, with their craft posted on our Facebook page! Sign up for our newsletter to receive the weekly craft ideas. CONTEST: One entry per person. On or before December 16th, email a picture of your completed craft to

Central West Events

Currently our events are posted on our Facebook page. Please check back for more information or our event page and search by Chapter or Region.

West Region

Welcome. Our provincial and regional goal is to be a reliable source of information and support for all citizens who have a connection to autism including families, children, adults on the spectrum, caregivers, support workers, and teachers.

Région Ouest

Bienvenue :

À l’échelle provinciale comme à l’échelle régionale, notre but est d’offrir une source fiable d’information et de soutien à toutes les personnes directement concernées par l’autisme, y compris les familles, les enfants, les adultes autistes, les aidants, les travailleurs de soutien et les éducateurs.

Notre travail :

Offrir des programmes et des activités de grande qualité aux enfants, aux jeunes adultes et aux adultes autistes.

Offrir des ressources, des webinaires et/ou des ateliers de formation qui encouragent la défense des droits des personnes autistes, apportent un

Volunteer with the East Region

There are many opportunities to volunteer with Autism Ontario. Whether you are looking for something casual or something more committed, there is a volunteer role suited to you. Here are some of the ways you can volunteer with Autism Ontario: Administrative: help with mailings, thank you letters, etc. Events: we run events year-round, which require volunteers to keep them running smoothly Whether you want to lend a hand with administrative work, help with event planning, volunteer at an event, or sit on a committee, we encourage you to become a volunteer and help us raise awareness of Autism

Volunteer with the Central West Region

There are many opportunities to volunteer with Autism Ontario. Whether you are looking for something casual or something more committed, there is a volunteer role suited to you. Here are some of the ways you can volunteer with Autism Ontario: Administrative: help with mailings, thank you letters, etc. Events: we run events year-round, which require volunteers to keep them running smoothly Whether you want to lend a hand with administrative work, help with event planning, volunteer at an event, or sit on a committee, we encourage you to become a volunteer and help us raise awareness of Autism

Volunteer with Toronto

There are many opportunities to volunteer with Autism Ontario. Whether you are looking for something casual or something more committed, there is a volunteer role suited to you. Here are some of the ways you can volunteer with Autism Ontario: Administrative: help with mailings, thank you letters, etc. Events: we run events year-round, which require volunteers to keep them running smoothly Whether you want to lend a hand with administrative work, help with event planning, volunteer at an event, or sit on a committee, we encourage you to become a volunteer and help us raise awareness of Autism

Volunteer with the Central East Region

There are many opportunities to volunteer with Autism Ontario. Whether you are looking for something casual or something more committed, there is a volunteer role suited to you. Here are some of the ways you can volunteer with Autism Ontario: Administrative: help with mailings, thank you letters, etc. Events: we run events year-round, which require volunteers to keep them running smoothly Whether you want to lend a hand with administrative work, help with event planning, volunteer at an event, or sit on a committee, we encourage you to become a volunteer and help us raise awareness of Autism

Toronto Region

“My daughter absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for what you do and what you bring to families. It couldn’t have been more perfect thing, especially when she has been stuck at home all week!”

Melissa mom of six-year-old

Toronto Region


Central East Region

"Wanted to pass along our thanks for the recent cookie kit! Our son really enjoyed the independence the kit provided and was proud to serve his cookies as dessert to his auntie and uncle."
Mom of a cookie kit participant

Central East Region
    <p>Toutes les places disponibles ont déjà été attribuées. Vous pouvez cependant vous inscrire maintenant sur une liste d’attente. Nous vous préviendrons si des places se libèrent.&nbsp;</p>
    Participation in this event requires approval. Submit your registration request here. Once approved, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.
    Date de création de l'événement
    I will send payment by check
    Name and Email (reserved)
    Description de l'événement

    Région de l’Est –Virtuel - Arts Martiaux

    A black letter on a white background

Description automatically generated



    Début des inscriptions le 25 Avril à 12 h

    Rejoignez la Brampton Academy of Martial Arts pour ce programme de 6 semaines où les élèves âgés de 7 à 14 ans apprendront les bases du karaté, des exercices d'équilibre et de coordination, le tout dans un environnement inclusif.


    Résultats :

    - apprendre les blocs, frappes et coups de pied de base du karaté

    - gagner en forme grâce à des échauffements comprenant des sauts avec écart, des sauts, des étirements et des exercices d'amplitude de mouvement

    - apprendre à développer la concentration et la maîtrise de soi grâce à la respiration et à la méditation en mouvement (tai chi)


    Date: 28 mai 

    Heure: 17 h 10

    Frais d'inscription: 3, 00 $/personne. Aucun remboursement ne sera effectué après l’inscription et le paiement.

    Inscription obligatoire, car les places sont limitées. Cet événement est ouvert à l'inscription aux enfants autistes, adultes autistes, et leurs frères et sœurs.


    Prenez note que nous nous efforçons d'offrir des billets à un maximum de familles, mais le nombre de billets est limité. Si, pour une quelconque raison, vous êtes inscrit et ne pouvez plus participer, veuillez nous en informer pour que vos billets puissent profiter à d’autres familles.

    À noter : cette activité se déroulera en anglais


    Date de début de l'événement
    Date de fin de l'événement
    Autisme Ontario Région(s)
    Est (Hastings, Kingston, Upper Canada, Ottawa)
    Provincial Région(s)
    Type d'événement
    Date de début d'inscription
    Date de clôture des inscriptions
    Information sur l'événement
    This event is currently full.
    4304 Program Event Fees
    Passerelle de paiement
    Rôle par défaut
    Texte de remerciement

    Voici les détails de l’événement pour lequel vous vous êtes inscrit. 

    Si vous devez modifier votre inscription ou l’annuler (enfants ayant une mauvaise journée, des malades, etc. – nous comprenons !)  S'il vous plait, contactez-nous par courriel. Vous recevrez un courriel de rappel quelques jours avant l'événement.

    51.253775, -85.3232139
    Mapped Location