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Ouest - Windsor - Bob l’éponge, la comédie musicale!( en anglais)
Toronto - Minigolf
Sud - Niagara - baignade en famille
Région de Toronto – Observation de grenouilles (6 ans et plus) (en anglais)
I have experience working with individuals with varying exceptionalities for the past 15 years. I have provided therapy in homes, daycares and ABA centres as well as virtually during the recent lockdowns. I have experience working with children/youth/adults with autism. I have worked with both non verbal and verbal individuals with autism and I have experience working with challenging behaviours. I currently work in various capacities providing parent training in group workshops as well one-to-one parent training for your learner's individual needs. I can help you focus and implement strategies in your home to develop your learner's strengths and needs. I develop visual supports and and can guide you in implementing them in daily life.
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Speech Language Pathology. Early communication skills, nonverbal communication and AAC. Certified in Hanen and PECS. Advanced training in PODD. Familiar with AAC - light tech and high tech.

Serve : West Toronto and Etobicoke area
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Parent/Staff consultation
Parent/Staff Training

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We are a team of Speech and Language Pathologists and CDA. We are experienced in assessing, tailoring customized treatment plans for children diagnosed with Autism. Our team strives hard to collaborate with other professionals and get the parents to be active participants during our therapy sessions. We provide individual speech and language therapy sessions and also conduct social group programs. All our therapists are registered practitioners and have experience in using most of the high tech AAC devices like PROLOQUO2GO.
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Home Based ABA/IBI Therapy, Community Based ABA ABA/IBI Therapy, Centre Based ABA/IBI Therapy, ESDM/DIR approach, School-Readiness, Life Skills, Parent-Coaching, Virtual Consultations, Assessments, Respite, Virtual ABA, Summer camp, Consulting, Social Skills Group, and March Break Camp
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Talk and Thrive is a multidisciplinary practice with a developmental and evidence-based framework, we recognize the lack of standardized and accessible assessment services for neurodivergent children, youth, young adults and adults in Ontario. In response to this need, we aim to promote social and emotional wellness by providing clarity and increased understanding for many neurodivergent individuals who are beginning their assessment journey.

We maintain best practices by implementing a biopsychosocial approach to assessments. We have an inclusive lens to understand and assess neurodivergent individuals (e.g., understanding culture, identity, health, social, psychological and biological factors, etc). We offer a comprehensive approach to assessments is warranted based on the following values: Inclusion;
provision of ethical services practical and effective supports; Understanding and knowledge of up-to-date research; Collaboration with experts in the field of Autism and ADHD
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Early intervention ABA; Developmental Kindergarten; School readiness; Balance Program (Parent coaching); Practical Functional Assessment & Skill Based Treatment; Social Skills Groups.
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Applied behaviour analysis services 1:1 , group programs
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In-Centre ABA Services
In-Home 1:1 ABA Services
Virtual ABA Services
Consultative Services
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The Neuro-Divergent Team offers online Autism (ASD) and ADHD Assessments for Adult residents of Ontario and BC.
Assessments teams are led by our Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Amanda Morgan, who is licensed/registered in both BC and Ontario. Other team members include our ASD/ADHD psychometric specialists who have Master's degrees in psychology and decades of experience. Assessments are in-depth and multi-source and include standardized testing with industry-leading tools, all delivered online.
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For nearly 20 years, Speech Associates has served communities across Ontario, providing 1:1 therapy in home, school, and daycare. Our experienced Behaviour Therapists and Speech Therapists offer individually tailored ABA and Speech therapy for children, teens, and adults on the spectrum to identify each client's unique needs and goals. Our services are covered by Ontario Autism Program (OAP) funding, and our friendly staff are happy to support you with finding the right support.
Our clinicians offer programs including:

Toileting Skills, Eating & Feeding, Daily Living Skills, Social & Functional Communication, Peer Interactions (e.g. sharing, greeting, turn taking), AAC, Behaviour Reduction (e.g. SIBs, hitting, biting, etc.), Eye Contact, Transitioning Between Activities, Fine & Gross Motor Skills, Play, Responding to Name, Emotional Regulation, Tolerance, Direct Instruction, Idea Expression & Answering Questions.
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Providing speech and language services to infants, toddlers and school age children. Services offered include social skills, literacy, articulation, early language development. Speech and Language Pathologists work alongside BCBA's using the Early Start Denver Model to provide naturalistic, evidence-based support for young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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At the Toronto Neurodevelopmental Centre, we have been helping children, youth, adults and families for more than 20 years. Dr. Stephens, our licensed Clinical Neuropsychologist and founder, leads our efforts in providing clinical assessments, diagnostic evaluations, and therapy and educational plans tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Our objective is to enable everyone to achieve their full potential in school, post-secondary and work environments.Our team of licensed, registered and supervised graduate level clinicians have undergone extensive specialized training and boast a wealth of experience. We are dedicated to providing focused clinical support for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Neurodiversity, including Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD/formally Asperger's), Tourette's Syndrome (TS), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Anxiety, Depression, Social Difficulties, Learning Disabilities, and Gifted profiles.
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Psychological Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder for elementary-aged children up to adults.
Therapy for adults with ASD, Levels 1 or 2
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As an inclusive learning centre, we aim to help every child reach their full potential. Supervised by staff with over 10 years of experience in the field, we offer:
- ABA Therapy (1:1 and group sessions available)
- Social, Communication, and Life Skills Development (Toilet Training, Dressing, Fine and Gross Motor Skills, School Readiness, etc.)
- Tutoring/Academic Help and Curriculum Support
- After-school Programs and more!
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Trillium Support Service provides skilled, experienced, and credentialed
Community Support Workers to support families in meeting the needs of
people whose behavioral, emotional, developmental, and psychological needs
require one-one support. Trillium Support Service is a socially responsible company, committed to meeting the needs of children, youth and adults with complex special needs. Trillium offers competitive prices, great service, and a partner program that helps the entire sector. Our hiring techniques and continual learning programs help ensure that Trillium delivers the best support services possible.

We provide workers for Family, Community, Residential and School Support
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Willow Occupational Therapy offers individualized and private therapy sessions for children and young adults. With a focus on developing independence, Willow employs evidence-based practices and a collaborative approach to skill development that encompasses family, community and the individual.

Willow offers home-, school-, and daycare-based therapy sessions. We focus on working with individuals in "real-life" environments because it provides a more natural and un-fabricated perspective of a client's life. This contributes to more authentic and personalized assessments and ultimately more successful interventions. Collaboration with Parents and Teachers is also paramount for successful programming. We treat members of a client's social circle as teammates as they provide not only an in-depth understanding of the challenges and concerns that clients face, but also insight into the goals a client should strive to meet.
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Speech and Language services for those who are on the spectrum. Areas of focus include expanding vocabulary and language, sensory-motor speech difficulties, and PRT
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Family Service: a full-suite of care-management and delivery services focused on the family unit. Within 48-hours of your initial assessment, you will receive a Comprehensive Care System, a tailored plan written in accessible language, with options to include family members and care providers. We then facilitate the delivery of these services, via direct provision or warm linkages within our wider network, including access to ABA therapists, speech therapists, social workers, horticultural therapists, and occupational therapists, among others. Family also includes 4-6 psychotherapy sessions, and monthly follow-up Touchpoint Calls scheduled for an entire year to ensure that you and your family are continuing to receive the support you need.

Virtual, In-Person, and In-Home Options available. Registered Social Workers, Registered Psychotherapists, and Registered Nurse on staff.

Please connect with us so that we can learn more about how to best support you and your loved ones.
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Using evidence-based techniques and best practices, a Works of Wonder therapist will work one-on-one in your home or school setting to develop your child’s strengths and needs. Each plan will be individualized to your child and will focus on teaching skills such as language, imitation, motor movements, academics, play, school readiness and self-care or grooming, as required. Our work is supervised by Dr. James Porter, registered psychologist.
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Specialized Communication classes at both the junior/senior levels that focus on social skills, communication/language skills including social communication w/peers, functional play skills, imaginative play, & school readiness skills. Ratio 1:4. We also offer an integrated Nursery/Kinder program w/ a focus on communication, social skills, cognitive development, school readiness. (Areas of focus: Language & Literacy, Math, Science & Discovery, Cognitive circle, Drama, Cooking, Art/Sensory, Story Time, Free play, Snack/lunch, Creative Movement, & Music) Ratio 1:6. Our Social Skills program focuses on fostering social interactions + communication between children while also working on school readiness skills and developmental skill building in all areas. (Cog. circle, board game, co-op games, group projects, music, drama- practicing expectations in social settings i.e. birthday party)1:4. +Summer Camp
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Clinical Supervision of ABA teams, parent coaching and collaboration Behavioural Consultation, BCBA supervision, one to one behavioral services for teens and preteens (in person)
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