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Autism Ontario's Education Position Statements

Our Educational Position Statements are designed to help parents resolve school issues, obtain needed educational supports or services and help promote a change in the practices, policies and/or behaviours in our educational system in a respectful, positive and effective way. What do you need to know as a parent? Advocacy is about securing, protecting and advancing the rights of one’s self or others. Students on the autism spectrum have rights. The Ministry of Education has enacted legislation and regulations to support the education of students with special needs. School boards are

Planning for the Future

Thinking about your child's financial security can feel scary, but it is important to plan. Equip yourself with the information below so you can plan for your child's future. Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP): The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a tool to help you plan for the financial well-being of your relative with a disability. Thousands of families and individuals across the country are already setting up the plan, and an estimated 500,000 Canadians will benefit from this plan over time. With an RDSP... You may be eligible for up to $70,000 in federal contributions

Guidelines for Research Postings

This page lists our current guidelines for researchers wishing to promote their research participation opportunities with Autism Ontario. These guidelines are meant to promote transparency and reflect the collaborative nature of the relationships we wish to maintain with the autism research community. In the spirit of collaboration, we have suggested several ways of giving back below, for researchers to consider. Autism Ontario currently promotes research participation opportunities for studies likely to produce knowledge that benefits Ontario autistic individuals and families. We encourage


Les webinaires d’Autisme Ontario se veulent interactifs, faciles à comprendre, utiles pour les parents, les professionnels et les éducateurs/éducatrices. Les webinaires sont présentés en anglais ou en français, sous forme de discussions, par des experts du sujet traité. Les webinaires conviennent fort bien aux spectateurs/spectatrices qui veulent : se tenir au courant des conclusions des recherches en cours; se renseigner sur l’action revendicatrice en milieu scolaire; trouver des ressources pour soutenir un enfant autiste à l’école; trouver des outils pour protéger la sécurité des enfants et