
Proximity (field_geolocation_2)
Camp Session
Age groups served


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Afficher 121 - 122 de 122
Afficher 1 - 122 de 122
Provinciale - Séance de paperasserie » - Aider les aidant.e.s à remplir les demandes liées au Programme des services particuliers à domicile (SPD), au Crédit d'impôt pour personnes handicapées (CIPH) et à la Subvention des Timbres de Pâques
Provincial – Cheminement vers l’âge adulte
Provincial - Groupe d’entraide pour les papas (en anglais)
Specialized Communication classes at both the junior/senior levels that focus on social skills, communication/language skills including social communication w/peers, functional play skills, imaginative play, & school readiness skills. Ratio 1:4. We also offer an integrated Nursery/Kinder program w/ a focus on communication, social skills, cognitive development, school readiness. (Areas of focus: Language & Literacy, Math, Science & Discovery, Cognitive circle, Drama, Cooking, Art/Sensory, Story Time, Free play, Snack/lunch, Creative Movement, & Music) Ratio 1:6. Our Social Skills program focuses on fostering social interactions + communication between children while also working on school readiness skills and developmental skill building in all areas. (Cog. circle, board game, co-op games, group projects, music, drama- practicing expectations in social settings i.e. birthday party)1:4. +Summer Camp
Identifiant de contact
Clinical Supervision of ABA teams, parent coaching and collaboration Behavioural Consultation, BCBA supervision, one to one behavioral services for teens and preteens (in person)
Identifiant de contact