Janet Prak

Service Listing
Credential(s) held: None of the above
Description of services offered: Currently working in the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis since 2013; offering ABA/IBI services in both public and private settings in the city of London, Ontario.

BA Psychology with a Minor in Law (Carleton University).
Autism and Behavioural Science Post-Graduate Certificate (Algonquin College).
Pediatric Healthcare Aide Certificate (Joint collaboration between Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario and Algonquin College).
Completion of Provincially-mandated Intensive Behavioural Intervention Training through Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario.
Completion of Provincially-mandated Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Training through the Ontario Public Service (MCCSS).
Indigenous Cultural Safety Training Certificate (Provincially-mandated).
Livingworks Start Certificate. Mental Health First Aid Certificate.

Janet Prak janetprak@gmail.com 2265032743
Janet Prak
Age Groups Served: Preschool, Elementary
Language(s): English-Anglais, -Autre langue , Khmer
Primary Work Location

London, ON
N6P 1C9