1 minute read - The other day, we had posted a picture on Facebook...the thoughts behind it are from last summer when we took the boys for walks down by the beach where we live. It was a struggle, to say the least. Jackson especially enjoys the water, so while walking on the path beside the beach, or going on to the sand, he was constantly pulling, crying, and screaming because he wanted to run into the water, of course not understanding the dangers it posed. At that time, I remember thinking that a walk like this would just never be something we could ever do safely. It seemed like an impossible task, and that summer we limited our beach walks due to the dangers it presented.
Now, only a year later, with all the work we have done ourselves and with therapy, even during the pandemic (which made everything that much harder), this month we were able to go for a few walks down at the beach. It was such an amazing feeling to have a moment like the one in the picture; where Jackson is now safely throwing rocks into the water and having the time of his life. In this moment we reflected on how far the boys have come in this short time.
I don’t know if this translates to one of these slices of life, but for us on this journey, this has been one of the happiest slices so far.
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