
Proximity (field_geolocation_2)
Camp Session
Age groups served
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North Region

“When I registered my son, I had no idea what his level of engagement would be. But, boy, from the moment he signed on - it was pretty clear he was ‘all in’. … I guess I missed the bit about needing a deck of cards, but he heard the request and located them himself. Hooray for paying attention and listening!

Mom of a participant in the North Region Magic program

North region map

Toronto Region

“My daughter absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for what you do and what you bring to families. It couldn’t have been more perfect thing, especially when she has been stuck at home all week!”

Melissa mom of six-year-old

Toronto Region


Central East Region

"Wanted to pass along our thanks for the recent cookie kit! Our son really enjoyed the independence the kit provided and was proud to serve his cookies as dessert to his auntie and uncle."
Mom of a cookie kit participant

Central East Region

    West Region

    Welcome. Our provincial and regional goal is to be a reliable source of information and support for all citizens who have a connection to autism including families, children, adults on the spectrum, caregivers, support workers, and teachers.

    Région Ouest

    Bienvenue :

    À l’échelle provinciale comme à l’échelle régionale, notre but est d’offrir une source fiable d’information et de soutien à toutes les personnes directement concernées par l’autisme, y compris les familles, les enfants, les adultes autistes, les aidants, les travailleurs de soutien et les éducateurs.

    Notre travail :

    Offrir des programmes et des activités de grande qualité aux enfants, aux jeunes adultes et aux adultes autistes.

    Offrir des ressources, des webinaires et/ou des ateliers de formation qui encouragent la défense des droits des personnes autistes, apportent un