
Proximity (field_geolocation_2)
Camp Session
Age groups served
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Adult Supports in Niagara Region

Our Regional Adult Social Club. This group is for adults 18+ who do not require 1:1 support. Monthly events are organized with the goal of having adults with ASD meet fellow members of their community and have fun taking part in events tailored to their interests. For more information, please contact

Niagara Tee Up for Autism

Charity Golf Tournament Thank you for your interest in our annual charity golf tournament. Please check back in March 2020 for more details! Autism Ontario - Niagara Region Chapter hosts a Charity Golf Tournament at Rolling Meadows Golf Club, (located at 12741 Montrose Road, Niagara Falls, ON) each year to directly benefit individuals and families with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Like to play golf and help people? Autism Ontario - Niagara Chapter's Tee Up for Autism Charity Golf Tournament is the perfect event for you! Proceeds from Tee Up! For Autism benefit our Family Funding Bursary

Halton Events

Currently our events are posted on our Facebook page. Please check back for more information.

Central West Events

Currently our events are posted on our Facebook page. Please check back for more information or our event page and search by Chapter or Region.

Children and Youth Programs

F.A.S.T (Fun, Active, Social Team!) Club: For children and youth with ASD (Ages 5-12) Participants will be divided into teams, and each night will have a “weekly goal” to meet (i.e. waiting my turn, sharing with friends, saying thank you, etc). They will participate in different stations (fine motor focus, gross motor focus, and sensory & exploration) which will seek to offer many opportunities for participants to interact with one another socially, and build their peer relationships. STARS (Social Training & Recreation Skills) For Teens and Adults with ASD ( Ages 13+) A recreational program