Beyond The Door

Répertoire des services
Titre(s) de compétence détenu(s): BCBA (inscrit)
Description des services offerts: ABA and Behaviour modification.
Beyond the Door Behaviour Associates Inc. (BTD) is committed to helping children living with neuro-developmental disorders (including Autism Spectrum Disorder) develop the necessary Communication, Intellectual, Physical, Behavioural and Social skills for successful integration at home, at school and in the community. We believe that every learner has the potential to develop beyond their current level and deserves the opportunity to maximize their abilities and reach their full potential. We are dedicated to personal ‘hands-on’ service.
Genee Joubert 416-554-8716
Genee Joubert (BCBA (inscrit))
Groupes d'âge desservis: Préscolaire, Élémentaire
Langue(s): Anglais
Lieu de travail principal

206-3850 Finch Ave East
Scarborough, ON